
First Africa-wide Postharvest Food Loss Reduction Conference and Exhibition

28 - 31 March 2017
Nairobi, Kenya

The conference will provide a platform for researchers, academics, farmers, industry,  development agencies, civil society and policy makers to learn, share information, build networks and  partnerships with the overall objective of identifying effective interventions to reduce food lossess and waste in the continent.
The specific objectives of the conference are as follows:

  •     To raise awareness on food losses and waste through data and information sharing.
  •     To document the impact of postharvest food loss and waste on food and nutrition in Africa.
  •     To identify and disseminate effective and appropriate technologies and practices for FLW reduction in the African context.
  •     To identify postharvest “Skill Gaps” and “Technology Gaps” in Africa’s higher education and extension systems
  •     To identify effective multi-stakeholder strategies and policy interventions for FLW reduction
  •     To provide a platform for participants to build networks and partnerships for resource mobilization and other activities geared towards FLW reduction
  •     To generate a comprehensive action plan for the reduction of food loss and waste for the African continent.


Further resources

Postharvest Education Foundation website