Expert Consultation On The Development Of A Global Fish Loss And Waste Repository To Inform Policy
2 November 2017
FAO Headquarters Rome, Italy
The overall aim of the expert consultation is to share with a cross section of fisheries development, food systems and ICT specialists the results of this seed project that set out to develop a fish loss and waste policy guidance resource that would be made available via the web.
Specific objectives of the Consultation are:
1. To review and comment on the final draft of the FLW repository document and proposed website ideas;
2. To propose any amendments or final changes or additional information to be considered for the inclusion in the final output;
3. To further develop ideas for the website structure, design and features.
Inputs to the Consultation
To achieve the objectives of the consultation copies of the final draft FLW repository document will be circulated to participants before the consultation. At the consultation, a presentation that sum-marizes the repository development process and content will be given, along with up to five back-ground/scene setting papers, prepared by selected experts. Plenary discussion will then be com-bined with a working group session to focus on the technical and ICT aspects of the repository. A final session will pull together and summarize the consultation’s key conclusions and recommenda-tions.
Targeted Outcomes
1. A harmonized and commonly agreed set of final changes to the repository MS Word document which will be used to provide the content for an eventual website;
2. A set of ICT related recommendations to guide the website development process;
3. A set of recommendations covering any other pertinent issues identified during the consulta-tion.
Up to 25 experts representing a cross section of fisheries, agri-food development, technical and so-cio-economic specialists as well as ICT specialists from the public sector, civil society and research institutions with representation of a range of geographical regions.