Milan Urban Food Policy Pact
14 October 2016
The official celebration of World Food Day at FAO Headquarters on 14 October 2016 will coincide with a meeting of mayors from over 100 cities across the world. In October 2015, these mayors all committed to the “Milan Urban Food Policy Pact”, the first international protocol that calls for cities to develop sustainable food systems that grant healthy and accessible food to all, protect biodiversity and reduce food waste. During the World Food Day ceremony at Expo Milan 2015, the Pact was presented to the UN Secretary-General. This year at FAO, mayors will unite for a second time to discuss their collaborative efforts in developing sustainable food systems in cities worldwide, and share experiences and best practices. FAO is supporting this initiative by helping to establish indicators that will measure the impact of the Pact, and by exchanging best practices among cities.
Further resources
Milan Urban Food Policy Pact website