توفير الأغذية: المبادرة العالمية بشأن الحد من الفاقد والمهدر من الأغذية

SAVE FOOD Meeting @ Nestlé 2015

11 May 2015

May 12th, 2015 | Nestlé S.A., Vevey (Switzerland)

The SAVE FOOD Meeting is a meeting point for numerous partners from the industry – 120 by now – as well as 230 NGOs and research organisations registered with FAO.

In addition, it targets all companies with an interest in the issue of food loss and waste. The aim of the conference is to encourage representatives from industry, academia and research as well as policy makers and individuals from civil society to enter into dialogue and thus to initiate suitable (pilot) projects.

The meeting, which is held on Lake Geneva, will run under the motto “Private Sector Support for Food Loss and Waste Reduction Projects”.

The speakers will present successful projects to combat food loss and waste – projects which are already in place with the participation of the private sector.

But the focus will also be on basic options of collaboration between private sector institutions and the public sector.

One of the talks will be an update on a mango project in Kenya, initiated by SAVE FOOD. It involves the participation of several SAVE FOOD member companies seeking to use powerful processing and packaging technologies to reduce food loss in the production of mangoes and to create greater value within the country. As well as stepping up efficiency in serving the increasing demand on the domestic market, this project is to lead to higher export figures.