3GF 2015-16 Pre-meeting

The 3GF 2015-16 Pre-meeting took place in Copenhagen, 20-21 October and convened representatives from 3GF’s partner countries, private companies, private and institutional investors, international organizations, think tanks and civil society. The meeting addressed ways for scaling up green growth partnerships, identifying finance opportunities and sharing experiences and best practices, and was building on the outcomes of the 3GF regional events organized earlier this year. The agenda was also shaped around the key meetings in Addis Ababa, New York and Paris and the international processes on sustainable development and climate change. Altogether the work ahead and preparations have now been launched for the upcoming 3GF 2016 Summit scheduled for 20-21 April, 2016.
While the 3GF platform covers large thematic areas such as energy, food, cities, water and forests, all are integrated through one common approach: promotion of public-private partnerships for green growth. Partnerships for sustainable food systems and green value chains are some of the key elements for building inclusive green growth and low-emission development. However, as highlighted several times during the 3GF meeting, a crucial element that must be addressed is the issue of food loss and waste (FLW). The FLW Protocol, which is led by WRI and supported by FAO and others, provides an important tool to measure efforts undertaken to reduce FLW and the associated GHG emissions.
The 3GF pre-meeting was held after the adoption of the new Development Goals and they were therefore a central feature of the meeting, particularly the goals related to environmental sustainability. However, only one of the 169 targets was consistently mentioned during the two days – Target 12.3 ”by 2030 halve per capita food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest loss“. Target 12.3 provides an important milestone in global efforts to reduce FLW and the FLW Protocol together with FAO data can provide the necessary framework for setting baselines and measuring progress towards the achievement of Target 12.3. Partnerships though, will be the force that drives the deviation from a business-as-usual approach by mobilizing investments and enabling policies for sustainable solutions to efficient and productive food supply chains.
Further information
- SAVE FOOD at the Global Green Growth (3GF) Regional Africa Conference in Nairobi
- Partnership Market PlaceGlobal Initiative on Food Loss & Waste Reduction – SAVE FOOD
- Report on the 3GF LAC Regional Conference 2015
- Global Green Growth Forum Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean: Santiago de Chile, 18-19 June 2015
- 3GF website