La FAO y sus socios apoyan la innovación social para reducir las pérdidas y el desperdicio de alimentos en las ciudades más grandes de China
Mayo de 2017: “A medida que los países se enriquecen y las dietas cambian, la variedad y cantidad de alimentos que se consumen aumenta, y una de sus muchas consecuencias es el incremento de las pérdidas y el desperdicio”, se oyó decir en un foro de la ciudad más grande de China. Esta jornada, consagrada a encontrar formas para frenar las pérdidas y el desperdicio en Shanghái, estuvo organizada conjuntamente por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y Bottle Dream, una organización dedicada a la innovación social en China. [Para saber más]
FOOD IS LIFE We need to reduce food loss and food waste in Timor-Leste.
The videos were produced for Timorese audience to create awareness on food losses and food waste.
SAVE FOOD debutará en China durante “swop 2017”
Con el fin de reducir las pérdidas y el desperdicio de alimentos en China, SAVE FOOD debutará en China durante “swop 2017” (la principal feria de China y Asia sobre envasado y procesamiento), dirigiéndose a los grupos objetivo de alimentos, bebidas, confitería, panadería, fármacos, cosméticos, bienes de consumo no comestibles y productos industriales en los mercados emergentes clave.[Para saber más]
Measuring the Impacts of a Save Food Campaign to Reduce Food Waste on Campus in Thailand
Panate Manomaivibool, Chidsanuphong Chart-asa, Pattayaporn Unroj
This study measured the impact of an awareness campaign to reduce food waste on campus. Information cues were installed at strategic locations in a canteen to engage university students in food waste prevention. Stickers with food ordering tips were placed in front of the food vendors. Information cards about resource use in food production were placed on dining tables to remind students to finish what they had ordered [read more]
MySaveFood was launched based on the SAVE FOOD Campaign
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - MARDI
- 2016, March
MYSaveFood Initiative was launched by Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia on the 10 March 2016 at Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) Putrajaya. The main objectives of MYsavefood initiative are to create a network consisting of government agencies, private organisations, community and residential associations to drive the MYsavefood programme and create an awareness that reducing food loss and food waste is vital [read more]
Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Agroecology for Asia and the Pacific
- 2015: 24-26 November, Bangkok, Thailand.
The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is organizing a Multi-Stakeholders Consultation on Agroecology for Asia and the Pacific from 24 to 26 November 2015. This event derives from the context of a global and regional growing interest in the issue of Agroecology expressed by governments, civil society and academia. [read more]
International workshop and conference on agricultural post-harvest handling and processing
- 2015: 18-19 November, Bogor, Indonesia.
Indonesian government have pointed some targets to achieve national self-sufficiency on seven food commodities, i.e. rice, corn, soybean, meat, sugarcane, chili and tomato. Ministry of Agriculture, The Republic Indonesia, is currently implementing a national program, called UPSUS aimed at increasing productivity and production while at the same time reducing yield losses. [read more]
Food is Life - SAVE FOOD
FAO and its partners are campaigning to cut food waste across the Asia-Pacific region. The "Save Food Asia-Pacific" campaign is targeting losses that occur in the field both during and after harvest, on fishing boats at sea, in the markets, supermarkets and restaurants of our towns and cities - and in our homes.
Run for Save Food - May 10, 2015
Save Food Marathon: Thousands run to raise awareness
on food loss and food waste.
Bangkok, Thailand
More than 4,000 dedicated runners have braved the summer heat in Bangkok to promote greater awareness of food loss and food waste in the “Run for Save Food” event organized by the National Jogging Association of Thailand and supported by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Asia-Pacific countries move forward with FAO regional initiative to meet the Zero Hunger Challenge head on
- 2015:A regional initiative for the National Zero Hunger Challenge is being actively implemented in five Asian countries, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced. [read more]
NTUC FairPrice develops framework to engage community and partners to reduce food waste
- 2014: In commemoration of World Food Day, NTUC FairPrice (FairPrice) announces plans to address food waste through a structured framework which includes enhancing internal processes, public education, and collaboration with partners to reduce food waste. [read more]
SAVE FOOD Asia-Pacific Campaign
- 2013: launch of the SAVE FOOD Asia-Pacific Campaign in Bangkok, Thailand. Strategic action areas were identified through the consultation: awareness raising, the relevant role of the private sector and support mechanisms by governments in order to facilitate smallholder effective organization along with the role played by consumers.
Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- 2012: 31st Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC) - Value chain development and post-harvest loss reduction for smallholder farmers