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The Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD-VI)
27 - 28 August 2016, Nairobi, Kenya TICAD-VI will be a milestone of the TICAD process, since it will be the first-ever TICAD Summit to be held in the African continent in its over 20 years of history. [read more]
National Validation Workshop on Food Loss
2016: 11 February, Otjiwarongo, Namibia. National Validation Workshop on Food Loss. [read more]
Successful Second Edition of the Food Processing & Packaging Exposyum in Kenya
2014: 18 - 20 November, Nairobi/Kenya. The second Food Processing & Packaging Exposyum (FPPE) held at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) in Nairobi/Kenya from 18 to 20 November 2014 has drawn to a very successful close. [read more]
AUC/FAO High-level Consultation on Post-Harvest Losses
2014: 22-23 October, Johannesburg. The African Union Commission and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) engaged in a two-day High-level Consultative meeting with key stakeholders to identify ways and means to expand the current and future Post Harvest Losses (PHL) reduction initiatives in response to the 2014 Malabo Declaration on Africa Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation.
High-level Forum on post-harvest loss reduction
2014: FAO highlighted the launch of the Community of Practice at the opening session of the AU/FAO consultation and encouraged all participants to join, in an effort to improve coordination and communication on post-harvest issues.
Community reducing food losses through traditional practices in Angola
2014: Since 2010 Angola’s livestock losses have been increasing due to continuous droughts. This situation called the special attention of local governments, the Angola’s Women Association and The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to promote a series of three courses aimed at reinforcing food traditional food processing practices to prevent food losses [read more]
2012: 27th FAO Regional Conference for Africa underlined the importance of public-private partnerships for food losses reduction by taking action along food supply chains.
FAO Regional Office for Africa: Food Loss Reduction Strategy Development in favor of Smallholder Producers in Africa. Project Improved food security and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa through reduced food losses and increased value addition. The sectors supported are relevant to food and nutrition security and target: cereals, roots and tubers, fruits and vegetables, oilseeds and pulses, dairy, fish and meat. The Project includes 2 phases that will address - first: (i) consultation with national stakeholders and stocktaking on critical food loss points; (ii) support to institutionalization of policies and strategies related to food loss reduction and - second: (i) incorporation of the knowledge developed in phase one into national agricultural investment plans; (ii) capacity development for multi-stakeholders in the food supply chain, with a special focus on women smallholders; and (iii) potential solutions will be piloted through a mini-grant scheme.