Building on the experiences of various countries and on an in-depth analysis of Ethiopia's public procurement rules and practices in the context of school feeding, the report provides recommendations on the alignment of public procurement rules and practices to support the implementation of HGSF initiatives in the country.
The consultation “Stepping up School-based Food and Nutrition Education: Exploring Challenges, Finding Solutions and Building Partnerships,” organised by FAO in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates University was the first specialized global meeting of its kind. It provided stakeholders from different fields of expertise working with school-based programmes a platform to discuss challenges and define priorities, competencies and educational innovations with the main focus on SFNE.
Nutrition Guidelines and Standards for School Meals: A Report from 33 Low and Middle-Income Countries, is the result of a collaborative effort between FAO’s Nutrition and Food Systems Division with other technical divisions (Development Law and Food Safety) and regional/sub-regional/country offices.
In the past few years, various countries, regions and cities from low-income to high-income economies have been developing a range of food procurement initiatives designed to use the regular demand for food on the part of government entities as a policy instrument targeting broader development objectives.
This regional overview of national school food and nutrition programmes in Africa is the result of collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Government of Brazil, particularly the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Fund for Education Development (FNDE) of the Ministry of Education.