Социальная защита


С тем, чтобы наилучшим образом достичь своих целей, ФАО сотрудничает с ключевыми партнерами в сфере социальной защиты на глобальном уровне, а также с региональными структурами и заинтересованными сторонами в странах.

To better achieve its goals, FAO partners with key actors in the area of social protection at the global level, as well as with regional bodies and country stakeholders.

FAO is an active member of the Social Protection Inter-agency Cooperation Board (SPIAC-B),which enhances global coordination and advocacy on social protection issues to achieve universal coverage and scale-up of social protection programmes.

Some of FAO's main partners include the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, the World Food Programme (WFP) as well as the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Union. FAO is also a partner of the socialprotection.org Platform and of the Social Protection and Human Rights Platform

At the regional level, FAO is engaged with key regional bodies to raise the visibility of the role of social protection in reducing hunger, malnutrition and poverty, as well as in the development of resilient livelihoods and communities.

At the country level, FAO works closely with the Ministries of Agriculture, Social Development and Finance, rural organizations, research institutions and civil society organizations. The objective is to enhance their role and contribution to national social protection agendas, and to strengthen policy dialogue and synergies between social protection and inclusive policies to food security and nutrition, rural development and resilience.