Protection sociale

Strengthening coherence between social protection and productive interventions - The case of Zambia

Resource Type: Publication
Published: 17/06/2021

This country report brings together the results from three evaluations, each with a distinct approach, in an attempt to give a more integrated picture of the results of the Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programme and the Conservation Agriculture Scale Up (CASU) project in Zambia. The two programmes were implemented separately but overlapped in few areas, thus offering a chance to study their joint contribution to farm, food security and schooling outcomes. The aim here is to triangulate the findings and provide explanations in terms of the complementarities, or lack thereof, between the programmes or their components.

The research questions were defined across three areas of inquiry, namely i) productive activities and market engagement; ii) food and nutrition security; iii) educational indicators. The quantitative evaluation gives an idea of the magnitude of the impacts of each of the two programmes taken in isolation and of their combination.

The qualitative evaluation provided useful information on the broader context in which the households were operating during the time they were participating in the programmes, thereby shedding light on the processes that led to the end outcomes captured by the quantitative evaluation. The microsimulation study addresses issues related to what-if scenarios of national upscale of the two programmes, integrating the information from the quantitative household survey with nationally representative surveys.