AMARC and FAO team up to promote radio stories on Soils
The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations have teamed up to explore stories about soils, and how issues regarding soils are addressed and understood in different contexts worldwide.
New contributions from the AMARC global network will be added each week until the close of the International Year in December 2015.
AMARC is an international non-governmental organization which serves the community radio movement and its listeners, with a network of nearly 4 000 members and associates across 130 countries.
Les changements climatiques et leurs effets chez nous - Radio CFIM 92,7FM, Canada (French)
L’émission On jase là est diffusée sur les ondes de CFIM 92,7FM. Ce segment traite des changements climatiques et de leurs effets sur l’archipel fragile des Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Érosion, submersion, recul des berges, tempêtes amplifiées, sont autant de réalités avec lesquelles les Madelinots devront désormais composer...
Preventing soils damage through the implementation of organic farming systems - Radio JRKDem, Indonesia (Bahasa)
This production from JRKDem features an interview with Mr. Samanhudi, leader of the farmer group "Mendo Sampurno", chairman of ‘’Tirtanio’’, a training center in rural non government farming, chairman of ‘’Minakjinggo’’, an association of organic fertilizer and chairman of the post service of biodiversity agent...
Degradación de los suelos de vocación forestal - Radio Uraccan Siuna, Nicaragua (Spanish)
La producción de Radio Uraccan Siuna es un reportaje sobre la degradación de los suelos de vocación forestal del municipio de Siuna...
Good Soil, a documentary about the food cooperative Dobra Zemja in Macedonia - Radio Kanal 103, Macedonia (Macedonian)
Produced by radio Kanal 103, Good soil is a radio documentary about Dobra Zemja, the first food cooperative in Macedonia from which a non-formal group of people and households are getting organic products directly from the producers...
Les manifestations, les causes et les conséquences du changement climatique- Radio Bèlèkan, Mali (in local language)
Cette émission produite par la radio communautaire « Bèlèkan » traite des différentes causes et conséquences du changement climatique dans les pays développés comme en développement...
Tierra y libertad- Siberia FM, España (Spanish)
La producción de Siberia FM es un acercamiento a la problemática de acaparamiento de tierra, en detrimento del campesinado local. Con la consecuente amenaza para el modelo de productivo y la actividad agrícola, la soberanía alimentaria, así como la dignidad política y social...
Les zones humides, des sols particuliers- Radio RIG 90.7 FM, Gironde, France (French)
À l’occasion de la Journée mondiale des zones humides, des associations locales et des organismes tels que les fédérations de chasse ou de pêche lancent une campagne de sensibilisation dans le Médoc, en Gironde...
Caring for waste, saving our soils from damage and pollution- Radio JRKDem, Indonesia (Bahasa)
This segment from JRKDem focuses on waste management in Indonesia, where the average citizen produces 2.5 liters of waste every day according to the 2012 data recorded by the Ministry of Environment...
Stop soils pollution through a clean and healthy living culture - Radio Grast FM, Indonesia (Bahasa)
This talk show of Grast FM features three resource persons from different horizon discussing environment, pollution and soils. Mr. Indra Suswanto shares information of soils pollution, recycling and waste management...
Disturbed soils: Spear grass depletes from Northern Uganda - Williams A. Moi, Uganda (English)
This story by Williams A Moi is about the depletion of spear grass reserves, a very useful material in low cost housing construction in northern Uganda...
La santé des sols au Canada - Montréal par la racine, Radio CIBL 101,5 FM, Canada (French)
Patrick de Bortoli, chroniqueur de l'émission Montréal par la racine, revient d’une formation intensive de trois jours sur les sols vivants et...
Bosques, suelo y cambio climático en México - Radio Tepoztlan, México (Spanish)
Dos mujeres de una comuidad indígena Tarahumara (Sierra Madre Occidental en México) comentan sobre los problemas del cambio climático y el papel que los bosques juegan para enfrentarlo...
Los suelos contados a los niños - Radio Del Vagón, Argentina (Spanish)
Martin Crespi, un productor independiente, cuenta las historias de los suelos a los niños. En esta producción él habla de la contaminación, de la deforestación, de los monocultivos, de los peligros de la fracturación hidráulica y del acaparamiento de tierras...
Lack of markets for maize production - Izuba Radio, Rwanda (Kinyarwanda)
In Rwanda, the land consolidation policies have had an important impact on the country agricultural sector. If some farmers are benefiting from the policies, for maize farmers in Kazo sector, Ngoma District in the Eastern Province, it’s a different story...
Wealth is in the soil (Chuma Chiri M’nthaka) - Maziko Radio, Malawi (Chichewa)
In this program, Pauline Kalumikiza Mbukwa of Maziko Radio shares knowledge and experience on soil health with the aim of promoting integrated soil fertility management practices among smallholder farmers in Malawi...
The importance of soils for an healthy and rich environment - Tiger FM, 102.5, Radio Nabweru (English)
In this audio commentary, Edwin Okurmu of Tiger FM discusses the importance of healthy soils for the environment...
Soils as told by the Global Green Kids RadioJojo, Czech Republic (Czech)
This radio show was produced by Radijojo with children in Brno, Czech Republic, in cooperation with students from Kerala, South India. In this segment, the students discuss their commitment towards the environment and the importance of soils for their lives...
La décontamination des sols à Montréal CIBL, 101.5, Montréal, Canada (French)
L’équipe de Montréal par la racine, diffusé sur CIBL 101,5 FM, présente une émission spéciale sur la thématique des sols contaminés, un enjeu...
Chuma Chiri Nthaka (Wealth in the soil) - Maziko Radio, Malawi (Chichewa)
In this program, Pauline Kalumikiza Mbukwa of Maziko Radio asked the listeners to reflect on the changing seasons and their effect on soils...
WEEK 10:
Donde los fuertes se quedan para cosechar el alimento de la vida Radio Yaraví, Perú (Spanish)
Las grandes tierras productivas donde el oro no es metal, son abandonadas. Donde la vida se hace con sudor, agarrando la tierra bajo el candente sol o frío que raja la piel, son olvidadas...
Quand le sol récompense les cultivateurs (Raha Ny Tany Valisoa Tantsaha) – Mediascope - Radio Don Bosco, Madagascar (in local language)
À Madagascar, les paysans qui optent pour l’utilisation du sol de manière biologique figurent parmi les rares propriétaires producteurs qui sortent gagnants dans la commercialisation de leurs produits. Mediascope est allé à la rencontre de paysans...
WEEK 11:
The fruits of Beninese soils – Radio Orange, Austria (English)
Reporter Katharina Gruber talks about domestic food production, import, export, access to enough and healthy food, differences between the north and the south of the country, economic power structures and necessary changes in food politics...
WEEK 12:
Le réseau de fermes de référence, une voie pour vulgariser la recherche scientifique sur les sols – Radio Don Bosco, Madagascar (in local language)
Dans la région du Vakinakaratra, au centre moyen-ouest de Madagascar, les cultures sont soumises à une évaluation dans des réseaux de système de référence représentant différentes situations agricoles...
Chiguata: Donde los fuertes se quedan para cosechar el alimento de la vida (part. 2) – Radio Yaraví, Perú (Spanish)
En Perú, el suelo es más seco y los insectos son cada vez más numerosos. En el segundo episodio, Radio Yaraví se enfoca en los cambios sufridos...
WEEK 13:
Chuma Chiri Mthaka (Wealth in the soil) – part. 3 - Maziko Radio, Malawi (in local language, Chichewa)
his program produced by Pauline Kalumikiza Mbukwa of Maziko Radio features women who have taken a leading role in addressing the effects of climate changes on soils in Malawi. The program also focuses on soils fertility.
WEEK 14:
Préserver la santé des sols - CIBL 101,5, Canada (in French)
L’émission Montréal par la racine, diffusée sur CIBL 101,5, propose différentes méthodes pour améliorer la santé des sols.
L’agriculture et l’élevage au cœur du développement rural à Madagascar - Radio Don Bosco, Madagascar (in local language, Malgache)
Un agriculteur d’Antsirabe, dans le moyen-ouest de Madagascar, parle de l’interdépendance entre l’agriculture et l’élevage, dont dépendent les communautés rurales malgaches, et de la fertilisation des sols.
WEEK 15:
Chiguata: Donde los fuertes se quedan para cosechar el alimento de la vida (part. 3) - Radio Yaraví, Perú (in Spanish)
Richard Benavente, es un chiguateño neto de 47 años, dedicado plenamente al trabajo de la tierra. Lo acompañamos a sembrar alverjas, en temporada de lluvia-ideal- porque crecerá en tan solo 8 días. Cada producto sembrado tiene su tiempo. Pero todos coinciden que la alfalfa debe sembrase primero para enriquecer la tierra de nutrientes.
WEEK 16:
La huella de tierra - Radio Ritmo Getafe, España (in Spanish)
La Huella de tierra o de suelo, más conocida por su denominación en inglés “Land Footprint”, redefine la manera que tenemos de ver el consumo y la manera en la que definimos el impacto de nuestro día a día en el uso del suelo y el equilibrio ecológico.
Ardhi Ni Uhai (Soil is life) - Ushindi FM 98.6, Tanzania (in local language, Swahili)
A large part of Tanzania suffers from soil erosion caused by the removal of vegetation and agricultural activities for which land conservation do not apply. This programme, produced by Ushindi FM 98.6, looks at the issue of soil erosion with the Southern Highlands Zonal Coordinator of Tanzania Community Forest Conservation Network (MJUMITA).
WEEK 17:
¿Qué es el fracking? – Radio Ritmo Getafe, España (in Spanish)
l petróleo no es infinito. El crudo "tradicional" se acaba y se empiezan a ver formas de conseguir otro tipo de oro negro. Hablamos del petróleo de esquisto y, refiriéndonos al daño que se le puede hacer al terreno, del fracking. Una palabra que, para bien o para mal, está de moda. Pero… ¿Qué es eso del fracking?
WEEK 18:
Healthy soils can improve soil productivity in Cameroon – Radio RUT FM, Cameroon (in English)
60% of Cameroon's active population gets its daily bread from the soil. This story talks about how to use fertilizers to improve on the soil quality and how farmers can manage the small pieces of land they cultivate well-to improve on productivity as well as preserving the soil for long term use. It connects directly what agriculturalists do to impact on food productivity.
La fertilisation des sols à Madagascar -Médiascope, Radio Mampita, Madagascar (in local language, Malgache)
La fabrication du compost avec les vers de Californie attire de plus en plus les paysans malgaches qui utilisent cette méthode pour la fertilisation des sols.
WEEK 19:
La contaminación de los suelos en España y Galicia – Radio CUAC FM, España (in Spanish)
La contaminación de los suelos es un tema de actualidad en España y Galicia, debido al impacto que determinadas prácticas industriales tienen sobre el suelo y a la importancia de los suelos en la lucha contra el cambio climático...
WEEK 20:
La révolution verte en République démocratique du Congo – RCK Lubumbashi, République démocratique du Congo (in French)
La révolution verte est un concept qui revêt une importance capitale en République démocratique du Congo où la mécanisation de l’agriculture tarde et où l’importation des denrées représente un défi.
Ardhi Ni Uhai: Soil is Life – Cultivating orange sweet potatoes - Ushindi FM 98.6, Tanzania (in a local language of Tanzania
In Mwanza, Tanzania, orange sweet potatoes, which are extremely rich in vitamins A, became a major nutrition food in lake zone regions, thanks to the collaboration of the scientific community and the farmers. This programme produced by Ushindi FM 98.6 explores the success of this collaboration and the benefits for the community.
WEEK 21:
Chuma Chiri M’nthaka – Women contribute to the protection of soils – Maziko Radio, Malawi (in Swahili)
This program highlights how climate change has affected the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Nkhotakota district in terms of weather, soil and rivers. Located in the lake shore area in central Malawi, this district depends on farming and fishing.
WEEK 22:
Le compost, une solution pour lutter contre la dégradation des sols - Radio communautaire Ngie-Lah, Cameroun (français)
Selon le Dr Antoine Mvodo Ze, Doyen de la faculté d’agronomie et de science agricole (FASA) de l'université de Dschang, l’utilisation et le recyclage du compost et des déchets ménagers pourraient enrichir les sols et contribuer à la lutte contre le changement climatique.
The flood has gone, problems remained - Vesta Radio, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian)
A year has passed since floods affected 950 000 citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina and damages were estimated to 10% of the country GDP. Vesta Radio interviewed Mr. Esad Bukalo, Head of the Federal Institute of Agropedology of Bosnia and Herzegovina, explains the effects of flood on soils.
Loss of fertility in plantation soils due to non-organic farming - Samudra FM 107. 7, Indonesia (Bahasa, a local language of Indonesia)
This segment features Mr. Parmin, a farmer from Sudimoro, sub-district of Pacitan (East Java) and Mr. Subadi, a representative of a government organization and leader of UPT plantation and forest in Sudimoro. They discuss soil fertility and various ways to protect soils.
WEEK 23:
Consumo en impacto sobre el suelo – Radio Ritmo Getafe, España (español)
El consumo forma parte de nuestra vida cotidiana, todos consumimos productos a diario, y la inmensa mayoría sabemos que este consumo tiene un impacto global creciente cada vez más difícil de contrarrestar. Por eso nos preguntamos si existe una alternativa. Para explicarlo con más detalle, contamos con la ayuda de Ariadna Rodriguez, de Amigos de la Tierra Europa.
The importance of using hybrid or improved seeds in poor fertile soils - Ushindi FM 98.6, Tanzania (Swahili)
Food security has become a challenge in Tanzania because of poor fertile soils caused by soil erosion in many regions. Farmers are harvesting poor and low quality yields. One of the main reasons is that farmers are planting poor seeds which are no longer capable to fight pests, diseases and drought caused by climate change.
WEEK 24:
La culture sur brûlis pour lutter contre la dégradation des sols – Médiascope, Radio Don Bosco, Madagascar (malgache)
Dans la partie Est de Madagascar, on pratique la riziculture sur brûlis en réponse à la dégradation des sols.
Changement climatique: Quelles pratiques agricoles doivent adopter les petits producteurs? – Radio RCK Lubumbashi 90 FM, République démocratique du Congo (français)
Au Katanga, la majorité de la population rurale vit de l’agriculture et contribue à la sécurité alimentaire de la province. Ces petits producteurs, souvent vulnérables face au changement climatique, adoptent différentes pratiques agricoles afin de préserver les sols.
WEEK 25:
Burnt bricks: Building houses from soils - Lion FM, Nigeria (English)
Many homes around Benue State in Nigeria are made of clay burnt bricks instead of cement blocks. This story explores the reasons behind this and what are the benefits and challenges of these houses and their effect on clay sources, on soils and on the environment.
WEEK 26:
La información, clave en la lucha contra el cambio climático – Radio Ritmo Getafe, España (español)
Comprender la importancia de la huella de Tierra, es la clave para entender cómo relacionarse individual y colectivamente en nuestra relación con el medio ambiente y la salud del suelo? Para aclarar la cuestión, periodistas de Radio Ritmo Getafe fueron a conocer el punto de vista de las radios comunitarias.
The importance of effective land use plans - Ushindi FM 98.6, Tanzania (Swahili)
Effective Land Use Plans is a process of evaluating economic activities, social activities and habitat development to help land users select the best way to increase productivity and development in securing community needs. This process is explained by Ushindi FM 98.6, in Tanzania.
WEEK 27:
Nourrir le Japon après la catastrophe de Fukushima – CIBL 101,5 FM, Canada (français)
Sylvain Pouzet est urbaniste et permaculteur certifié. Il participe à l’émission Montréal par la racine diffusée sur les ondes de CIBL 101,5 FM. Dans cette chronique, il parle du film «Terre souillée : paysans à Fukushima», un documentaire réalisé en 2012 par la journaliste française Marie-Monique Robin sur les impacts de la catastrophe de 2011 sur les terres agricoles de la région de Nihonmatsu, située à 30 km de la zone interdite.
Protecting soils in Indonesia: An interview with Shafa Tasya Kamila - JRKDem, Indonesia (Bahasa)
In this segment, Noor Chasanah of JRKDeminterviews the Ambassador of Environment in Indonesia, Shafa Tasya Kamila. She shares stories and her experience as Environment Ambassador and talks about the environmental conditions in Indonesia, the role of the government, and other stakeholder in preserving the natural resources. The Ambassador also shares her ideas about indonesian soils, pollution and what needs to be done to preserve them.
WEEK 28:
Chuma Chiri Nthaka (Wealth is in the soil): episode 5 – Maziko Radio, Malawi (Chichewa)
Declining soil fertility is a concern for most farmers in Malawi, especially in upland areas. In this segment of the mini-series Chuma Chiri Nthaka, host Pauline Kalumikiza talks with two women farmers who have led in the making of manure. Today, their village has become a model for others.
Les consequences de l’inondation: «Quand le sol a froid» - Radio Don Bosco, Madagascar (malgache)
Le retard dans les récoltes car «le sol a froid» et la multiplication des parasites qui attaquent les cultures obligent les maraîchers de la région d'Analamanga, à Madagascar, à utiliser plus de pesticides.
WEEK 29:
Organic farming policies to maintain soil fertility – Gombrek FM (JRKDem), Indonesia (Bahasa)
This production of JRKDem features an interview with two resource persons. First, the host Noor Chasanah talks with Mr. Hadi Purwantoro, Chairman of the Agriculture Department in Jombang district. Mr. Purwantoro addressed the setbacks and the degradation of soil fertility in Jombang district due to the use of chemical fertilizers. Then, we hear Mr. Muhammad Subhan, chairman of LPPNU (Agricultural Development Organisation of Nahdlatul Ulama) in Jombang.
Preventing land conflicts in Tanzania - Ushindi FM 98.6, Tanzania (Swahili)
In Tanzania, an organization, the Tanzanian Community Forest Conservation Network (MJUMITA), is working in close collaboration with the population to prevent land conflicts with the help of Effective Land Use Plans to discuss participatory forest management. Host Nelly Mwaipyana of Ushindi FM 98.6 discuss the issue with guest Exavery Kigosi, Southern Highlands Zonal Coordinator of MJUMITA.
Historias de los suelos desde la cosmovisión Ayuujk - Radio Jënpoj - Mexico, Español
Es un programa que relata la relacionalidad territorial y la visión de mundo, al igual muestra el estado que guarda el suelo en el Estado de Oaxaca y algunas alternativas que se están desarrollando en conjunto con la experiencia y conocimientos de los pueblos.
WEEK 30:
L’impact du changement climatique sur les sols – Radio RCK Lubumbashi, République démocratique du Congo (français)
Francine Ilunga, journaliste pour la Radio communautaire du Katanga, présente un magazine sur les changements climatiques et leurs conséquences sur les sols dans la province du Katanga, en République démocratique du Congo. Dans cette province, on retrouve 75% de la production minière, un secteur qui pollue les sols au détriment des cultivateurs et de la population.
Students discuss healthy soils - Radio Pard Vaanoli, India (Tamil)
This audio is produced by Radio Pard Vaanoli with the collaboration of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Horticultural College and Research Center, in Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu State, India. Three final year students, Ms. P. Jeenath Begam, Ms. J. Jeevitah and Ms. Jomi Abikeil are guest producers on this segment. They discuss traditional farming activities, the methods used by the elders to keep the soils healthy and the present condition of soils. Their findings emphasize that healthy soils contribute to the production of healthy products.
Discussing the need of healthy soil - Nkhotakota Community Radio – Malawi, Chichewa
The program focuses on the need for healthy soil. It explains more on the need of farmers or people to maintain fertility in the soil as it is the main source contributing to the basic needs of many living things including live stocks, crops and even human being.
Using manure as one way of caring for soil - Nkhotakota Community Radio – Malawi, Chichewa
Many farmers in Nkhotakota District, Malawi are making and applying manure as one way of caring, protecting and adding fertility to the soil. They discuss the advantages of manure as it holds moisture for a longer time.
WEEK 31:
Contents of healthy soils – Radio Pard Vaanoli
In this segment produced by Radio Pard Vaanoli, Mr. M.Balasubramaniyan, also known as PAMAYAN, a column writer in many vernacular newspapers in India, explains what is a healthy soil and how it can be identified. He is also giving tips to the listeners on how to make the soil healthy in a natural way. For Mr. M.Balasubramaniyan, farming activities have to be based on three basic factors : physical structure of the soil, chemical content of the soil, biological content of the soil.
La Révolution verte et ses conséquences sur les sols rizicoles - CKUT 90.3 FM, Canada (français)
Au début des années 1960, la «Révolution verte» est complètement venue changer notre façon de pratiquer l’agriculture. Plus d’un demi-siècle après le début de ce phénomène, quelles pratiques demeurent encore et quels ont été les impacts sur les sols?
WEEK 32:
Les sols face à la recherche au Niger, enjeux et défis – Association Radio Faham, Niger (français)
Ce magazine de 21 minutes met l’accent sur les différents types de sols, leurs fonctions et les problèmes qui y sont liés, à travers les regards de quelques citoyens. Ceux-ci proposent des solutions pour accroître la préservation des sols au Niger. Deux chercheurs de l’Institut national de la recherche agronomique du Niger (INRAN) appuient également le rôle de la recherche dans la gestion des sols avec une démonstration dans le laboratoire des sols du centre régional de recherche de Niamey, situé sur la route de saga.
What soils are made of and what if they didn’t exist - Kyoto Sanjo Radiocafe, Japan (Japanese)
This programme is produced by Kyoto-based NGO Citizens Environmental Foundation. It first introduces the history of how soils were created some 400 million years ago. Then it explains what soils are composed of and focuses on the dynamic life circulation inside soils, leading to an understanding that soils support every creature on the land. In the second part of the programme, it talks about agriculture, featuring the relationship between soils and organic agriculture.
WEEK 33:
Discussion sur la situation des sols au Niger – Association Radio Faham, Niger (zarma)
Adama Moussa, de l’Association Radio Faham, discute avec ses invités, différents experts œuvrant dans le secteur de l’agronomie, de la gestion des sols, de la déforestation, de la pression démographique, de la pauvreté des ménages et de la monoculture, afin de sensibiliser les citoyens sur la situation des sols au Niger.
Noche de reparto de cestas ecológicas en Madrid: retrato del grupo de consumo y de los hortelanos - Ágora Sol Radio – Satellite City, España (español)
En Madrid existen más de cien grupos de consumidores asociados con hortelanos ecológicos. Esta noche en Tabacalera, una antigua fábrica de tabaco convertida en centro social, nos encontramos con el grupo de consumo Híbridos y el colectivo agroecológico A Casco Puerro. Estos últimos no tienen formación agrícola pero decidieron volver al campo para desarrollar un sector olvidado en España: la agricultura ecológica de proximidad. Porque a pesar de que España, con 1,6 millones de hectáreas, es el productor con la superficie más grande dedicada a la agricultura ecológica en la U.E., el país destina el 75% de su producción a la exportación.
Protecting the forests and soil fertility for the sovereignty of the environment - JRKDem - Samudra FM – Indonesia, Bahasa
Since 2006, PPLH Mangkubumi has been monitoring the forests in Tulungagung. The NGO found out that deforestation has accelerated and that deforestation is higher now. In Tulungagung, the forest covers now only 30% of land, meaning that about 70% of the forest is in critical condition due, mainly to massive illegal logging in forest areas of Perhutani. Host Noor Chasanah of JRKDem presents the results of an interview with Muhammad Ichwan Mustofa, Director of the Environmental Training Center (PPLH) Mangkubumi in Tulungagung.
Economía campesina; sustento de las comunidades rurales - Campo y Ciudad - Mexico, Español
Elsa Castorela Castro, desde Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, presenta el programa "Economía Campesina; Sustento de las comunidades Rurales", acompañada por Elsa Guzmán Gómez, investigadora de la economía campesina.
WEEK 34:
DonnaLonna Kitchen talks about soils – KHOI FM, United States of America (English)
In this audio production, hosts Donna Prizgintas and Lonna Nachtigal of DonnaLonna Kitchen present an edited compilation of three interviews. The first segment features Fred Kirschenmann, Distinguished Fellow, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. In the second segment, Lonna Nachtigal and Joe Lynch have an Iowa prairie walk with Roger Maddox who has restored a beautifully diverse native prairie ecosystem. In the third segment, DonnaLonna Kitchen has a conversation with Martin Prechtel, author and Native Worldview teacher about indigenous care and the value of soil.
The origins and characteristics of soils in Slovenia and how we can analyze the quality of soil in our garden - Radio Marš, Slovenia (Slovenian)
In this audio, Radio Marš and NGO Semenska (Seed Guardians Association) emphasize the importance of soil protection, biodiversity and sustainable protection. They encourage the audience to practice natural farming, a method to maintain and protect a healthy and natural ecosystem. They also talk about the structure and function of soils and the process of soil formation and explain the pedogenic factors (parent material, climate relief, living organisms and time on soil formation). In the second part of the audio, they explain how to analyze the quality of soil in the garden using simple techniques.
WEEK 35:
The benefits of soil conservation - Dzimwe Community Radio, Malawi (Chichewa)
Soil conservation refers to the prevention or reduction of soil erosion and soil depletion by protective measures against water and wind damage. For quite a long time, people have been reliant on soil to feed them, but nothing tangible has been discussed on how best it can be sustained for future generation.
Vetiver, a solution to soil erosion - Dzimwe Community Radio, Malawi (Chichewa)
Toni Gonani of Dzimwe Community Radio interviews Mr. Jones Kaimbwa, an extension worker from Malawi Lake Basin Program. They discuss soil erosion and an ecological solution to erosion; vetiver grass. This type of grass helps to hold soil tight and prevents erosion caused by rainfall. It is available to farmers, easily cared for and can be used to produce manure.
WEEK 36:
Discussing soil quality management in Malawi - Dzimwe Community Radio, Malawi (Chichewa)
In this edition of Nkhani ya Nthaka, host Toni Gonani of Dzimwe Community Radio looks at soil quality management with his guest, agricultural extension worker from Lake Basin Program, Mr. Johns Kaimbwa. He explains what soil quality management is and how it is an effective method to keep sustainable soils for better productions. They also discuss the importance of planting certain trees as natural resources to improve the fertility of the soils.
The link between the right to food and soil - Radio Orange 94.0, Austria (English)
Ashura Kayupayupa of Radio Orange interviews Brigitte Reisenberger, coordinator of FIAN International in Austria. They discuss the link between the right to food and soil, with a special focus on rural women and farmers.
WEEK 37:
Defensa del ambiente y uso racional del suelo por campesinos pobres - Radio Tierra y Libertad, México (español)
En General Cepeda Coah., al norte de México, se encuentra uno de los mayores yacimientos de dinosaurios en el mundo. El turismo cultural podría hacer de este santuario paleontológico la fuente de vida para miles de familias que hasta ahora sobreviven precariamente con siembras de temporal y del tallado de la lechuguilla y de la candelilla.
WEEK 38:
La pollution du sol renforcerait-elle les arbres? -, Canada (français)
Les défenses des saules pourpres utilisés pour la dépollution des sols semblent renforcées par la culture en sol contaminé. Une toute nouvelle analyse bio-informatique révèle l'expression de gènes parasites dans ces plantes.
La permaculture en France - Radio Larzac – France, français
À l'émission «L'ours et la carotte» présentée sur les ondes de Radio Larzac, Claire Queiruga reçoit des invités de l'Association "Brin de paille" avec lesquels elle discute de permaculture. En quoi cette pratique est-elle efficace pour maintenir les sols en santé et pour assurer des récoltes qui répondent aux besoins? Pour les invités, la permaculture offre des techniques, des outils et une vision globale pour gérer l'interaction entre l'humain et son environnement.
WEEK 39:
Chuma Chiri Mthaka – A look at organic fertilizers - Maziko Radio – Malawi, Chichewa
As most researchers, organizations and companies continue to look for solutions to help small-scale farmers improve their agricultural production, some organizations have come up with possible solutions to the declining of soil fertility. Organic fertilizers are not only proving to be effective but are also cost effective for poor small-scale farmers in Malawi.
Impact of permaculture on soil conservation - Dzimwe Community Radio - Malawi, Chichewa
In this audio production, journalist Tony Gonani of Dzimwe Community Radio discusses the impact of permaculture on the conservation of soil with two experts who champion permacultre in Mangochi District, Malawi. Mr. Majananga and Mr. Manyamba give advices to farmers to take better care of their soil to prevent depletion, soil degradation, and erosion and to help with fertility loss.
WEEK 40:
How field trips can help farmers to adopt new techniques of soil management - Dzimwe Community Radio - Malawi, Chichewa
In this audio production, journalist Tony Gonani of Dzimwe Community Radio interacts with some farmers who went on a field trip to Mangochi Orphan and Education Training (MOET) in Mangochi district. In the interview, he discusses with various farmers who explain what they have learned during this trip and the value of permaculture and inter-cropping to protect soils from depletion.
Deforestation and soils damage - JRKDem – RKD FM – Sidoarjo – Indonesia, Bahasa
The destruction of forests due to deforestation remains a threat in Indonesia. Data from the Ministry of Environment says that forest cover in Indonesia went from 49% in 2008 reduced to 48% in 2012, or suffer environmental degradation rate about 1.6% in the last 4 years. Deforestation has a significant impact for the communities and the natural environment in Indonesia. Logging activity which is not attentive to forest conservation has resulted in the decreasing of the environmental quality and an increase of the events of natural disasters, such as landslides and floods.
WEEK 41:
Conservation agriculture as one way of caring for soil - Nkhotakota Community Radio - Malawi, Chichewa
In Malawi, farmers from Mphonde Extension Planning Area (EPA), in the area of Traditional Authority Mphonde, Nkhotakota District, are using conservation agriculture as one way of caring, protecting and bringing back fertility into the soil. They say it’s a good thing that this method can bring fertility to the soil and that it can bring change to their lives since they depend on agribusiness.
Satellite City especial Año Internacional de los Suelos - Ágora Sol Radio – España, Español
Este programa presenta dos reportajes sobre la agricultura ecológica en Madrid y sus alrededores, en el marco del Año internacional de los Suelos.
The views expressed in these programmes are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).