بوابة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للتعاون بين بلدان الجنوب


Paseo Bulnes N°377, Office 707, Santiago, Chile
Phone number(s)
+ 56 22 730 1500
Areas of expertise
الزراعة, اقتصادات الزراعة؛, التمويل الزراعي, السياسات الزراعية, الإحصاءات الزراعية, التجارة والأسواق الزراعية, اقتصاديات التنمية, إدارة المزارع/نظم الزراعة, التنمية الريفية والإصلاح الزراعي, نظم الدعم الزراعي, معلومات عن الثروة الحيوانية, الثروة الحيوانية وتحليل السياسات والقطاعات, اقتصادات الغابات, السياسات الحرجية, البيئة وتغيُّر المناخ والطاقة الحيوية, إنتاج النباتات وحمايتها, العمليات في حالات الطوارئ وإعادة التأهيل, نظم المعلومات الجغرافية, الزراعة الأسرية
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies


Agroseguros, has the power to serve the State as a technical advisory body in the terms of art. 6 letter a) D.F.L. 211 of 1960, through the development, promotion, diffusion and administration of tools for the management of the risks of agricultural activity (which includes forestry and livestock) that agricultural products face, within the global insurance policy promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Development; To administer the subsidy programs for the cofinancing of insurance premiums and other hedging instruments, against losses or damages caused to agricultural, livestock or forestry products, as well as the facilities and / or production systems associated with said products, derivatives Phenomena Climatic events, nature events, livestock accidents and diseases, as well as against fluctuations in prices of agricultural products, the exchange rate associated with them, and other eventualities of case for results to cause loss or deterioration of livestock. Insured objects, contracted by agricultural, livestock and / or forestry producers, hereinafter indistinctly "agricultural producers", with insurance companies and intermediary institutions of price and / or exchange rate contracts.


 Main activities

  • To administer a subsidy from the State for the co-payment of insurance primes in the forestry, agricultural and livestock sector, a subsidy that is granted to each producer that contracts an agricultural insurance, thus allowing them to invest more and achieve greater economic stability and permanence durog the time, in the event of an incident.
  • Develop, promote and transmit insurances and other risk coverage contracts for farmers, the Subsidy Program for the co-financing of primes, and train on the use of the same, whether these activities are executed directly by Agroseguros, in coordination with other entities, or through the remunerated contracting of third parties.
  • Establish the rules for granting the subsidy, such as: maximum rates for each type of crop, fruit production, forest plantations, livestock species; The beneficiary areas of the subsidy, and the risks covered for each case. And by way of reference the prices and yields for each zone and production to be assured.



Agroseguros has competence in risk transfer instruments, through the development, promotion and dissemination of insurance and price coverage for the forestry, agricultural and livestock sector, and in turn, to administer a subsidy from the State to stimulate demand. (Resolution {A} No. 79 of CORFO, published in 2016, https://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1091942).

Summary of the activities during the last two years

Provision of expertise to other countries or institutions:


    - Chile – Mexico: Development of a Bilateral Collaborative project submitted by Agroseguros to the Chile-Mexico Fund of the International Cooperation Agency of Chile (AGCI), entitled "Implementation of catastrophic insurance, information and communication technology (ICT) and post- Sale of the Agricultural Insurance", three international collaboration activities were carried out.

  • Visit to Mexico, made up of a delegation of 5 Chilean professionals. The visit focused on knowing the Mexican Model of agricultural insurance with a special focus on catastrophic insurance, and allowed to know on the ground the Mexican experience in the development and operation of Catastrophic Insurance, which allowed to incorporate some of the elements known in the Chilean insurance system, especially in the possible implementation of a Territorial Insurance, the activity was carried out in Mexico in June 2015.
  • Visit to Chile, made up of a delegation of 4 Mexican professionals. The visit focused on showing the Forest Assurance Model of the information technologies used in Chile. The operation of the Chilean commercial insurance system was also discussed, including all the insurance available with State Subsidy.
  • The international seminar "Towards a more modern and efficient management of risks: Agricultural Insurance", organized by Agroseguros, held in the city of Santiago, was carried out with the exhibition of outstanding international figures on risk management issues and attended by more than 100 people. The activity was carried out in November 2015 in the city of Santiago.


  - Chile - Peru:

  • October 2015: Considering the agricultural insurance program that exists in Chile, which includes the development of price coverage for agricultural products, IICA requested the collaboration of Agroseguros to advise public officials in Peru on these matters. The objective of this activity is to facilitate the knowledge of the Chilean experience related to the design and implementation of price coverage policies to the country.
  • November 2015:  In the Framework of South-South Cooperation and considering that, in Peru, there is no strengthened public and public / private institutional framework, nor a strategic plan for the development of Agricultural Insurance. In addition to the lack of experience in the development of insurance products and their damage adjustments. The objective of this cooperation activity is to learn from the Chilean experience in institutionality and strategic planning for the transfer of risk in the agricultural sector from the public and private sector. Organized and funded by GIZ.
  • October 2016:  Invitation, managed by GIZ and the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP of Peru, to participate as an exhibitor at the "International Agricultural Insurance Seminar for Financial Inclusion - Advances and Challenges to 2021", the activity was conducted between 12-14 (SAG), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Ministry of Agriculture and Risk of Peru (MINAGRI), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP The Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies (APESEG), La Positiva Seguros, Munich Re and the German Cooperation implemented by GIZ, at that meeting the progress in the development of agricultural insurance markets in Latin America was announced and proposals were made To promote inclusive markets based on the Peruvian experience. National and international experiences will be exchanged in the development of public policies, information system and agricultural insurance products that promote the financial inclusion of medium and small farming.

 - GIZ:

  • Participation of the Executive Director of Agroseguros and National Coordinator of Comprehensive Risk Management, Camilo Navarro, as a panelist at the event "The positive aspect of natural disasters: Can climate risk insurance be effective in converting floods, droughts and The typhoon in an opportunity? ", Held on March 23, 2017 and organized by Advancing Climate Insurance Plus of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).


- MERCOSUR Countries + Bolivia:

  • Presentation at the Course-Workshop on mechanisms of risk transfer and social protection: Catastrophic Insurance and Micro-insurance, financed by FAO, held on 29, 30 and 31 of March 2017.



Type of contribution (substance / services / training to other countries or institutions):


 - All the contributions made were non-pecuniary, in "men's hours", the cost of transportation and per diem, where applicable, were financed by third parties or by the institution or country that requested the cooperation.         


Dissemination of knowledge: conferences, meetings and publications:


  - February 2015, USA: Invitation to participate in the Fifth Annual Symposium for the Facilitation of the Development of Agricultural Insurance in the Americas, to be held on February 13, 2015 in the city of Washington DC, United States, organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). This meeting has the participation of the main international representatives of IICA, which will present experiences of Agricultural Insurance in America and later spread the work that Agroseguros is doing in Chile and the goals proposed for 2015.

  - May 2015, Colombia: Invitation to participate in the Agro Latin America Workshop, held May 6-8, 2015 in the city of Quimbaya-Quindío, Colombia, organized by Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd., in which issues related to Index Insurance, Income Insurance and other actual key agricultural insurance issues.

  - October 2016, Peru: Invitation to participate as an exhibitor at the International Agricultural Insurance Seminar for the financial inclusion - Advances and Challenges to 2021 ", to be held between October 12 and 14, 2016 in the city of Lima, Peru, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture Y Peru's Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS), the Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies (APESEG), La Positiva Seguros, In which progress was made in the development of insurance markets in Latin America and proposes concrete proposals to promote inclusive markets based on the Peruvian experience. National and international experiences will be exchanged in the development of public policies, the Information and insurance products that promotes the financial inclusion of medium and small-scale agriculture.  

  - March 2016, Uruguay: Invitation to participate in the Workshop on Parametric Insurance and as a panelist of the Congress at the discussion table: How to increase the penetration of Agricultural Insurance in developing countries? activity to be carried out between the days 08 to 11 March 2016. The Congress ALASA has the participation of the main actors of the Latin American Agricultural Insurance Market and will address the theme of promoting sustainable programs for agricultural insurance, as well as the role of public policies and technological innovation in the agricultural insurance market.







Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions

Legal Status 

Agroseguros is a Committee created by Corfo in the year 2000, which operates with transfer of funds from the Ministry of Agriculture through the signing of a transfer agreement, this agreement is signed annually. 


Government Arrangements

Agroseguros is directed by an Executive Director, and mandated by a Board of Directors that meets once a month, this council consists of members of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and Corfo.





Potential activities through SSC

Potential modalities

  - Triangular Cooperation

  - Bilateral Cooperation

  - Regional Cooperation

  - Multilateral Cooperation


Potential Activities

  - Professional Training and Technical Training

  - Technical Assistance

  - Consulting

Name and details of the head of the institution

[Executive Director]:  Camilo Navarro Ceardi

Phone: +56 22 730 1500

Email: [email protected]

Focal points

[Executive Director]: Camilo Navarro Ceardi

Phone: +56 22 730 1500

Email: [email protected]

List of experts




AREAS OF EXPERTISE: International Economy and Risk managment in agriculture.

YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 18 years working in International Economy and 15 years in Risk managment in agriculture.

B.A., Master and Doctor in Economics. Executive Director of Agroseguros and National Coordinator of Integrated Risk Management of the Ministry of Agriculture. He has served as Commercial Attaché of Chile in Peru, Alternate Representative of Chile to the Latin American Integration Association, Head of the Latin America Department of the General Directorate of Economic Relations of the Foreign Ministry, Advisor to the Undersecretary of Agriculture of Chile, International Consultant and Full-time Professor of International Economics in many postgraduate courses in different Universities in like Universidad de Chile, U. Portales, U. Cervantes, U. del Desarrollo and U. de antiago.



AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Development and operation of Agricultre Insurance, AgDesarrollo y operación de Seguros agropecuarios, Agricultural Production, Management and Public Administration.


Agricultural Technician and Agricultural Engineer from the University of Chile, with extensive experience and expertise in the development, evaluation and operation of instruments for risk management, as well as in the diffusion and training of these instruments at the level of agricultural producers.

Professionally He has been working in the Agricultural Insurance Committee since 2003, initially in the technical area and later He has been headquartered in the areas of operations, development, administration and finance of the institution. From the year 2016 assumed the sub-direction of Agroseguros.




AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Public sector, Strategic communication, Press management.

YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: more than 20 years.

Journalist and Magister in Communication. Head of the Department of Development, Promotion and Communications of Agroseguros. Professional with a wide trajectory in the public sector, particularly in strategic communications. With more than 17 years of experience in the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural services (Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) and Agroseguros, the Agricultural Insurance Committee). She works in different media, such as Radio Portales, United Press International (UPI), Revista América Economía and El Mercurio (El Mercurio Online and Valorfuturo.com). She has an internship in Mexico, where She acquired knowledge in the development, operation and market of agricultural insurance, both catastrophic and commercial.




AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Agricultural insurance, Formulation of projects, R & D stone fruit trees, R & D seeds.


Agricultural Engineer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile with mention in fruit growing and a diploma in Marketing and sales. Professionally She has been working since 2013 in the Agricultural Insurance Committee, particularly in the Department of Development, Promotion and Communications of Agroseguros, developing different tasks. She has an internship in Mexico, where she acquired knowledge in the development, operation and market of agricultural insurance, both catastrophic and commercial. In addition, she participated actively in the development and implementation of the Beekeeping Insurance and has carried out R & D work on seeds and stone fruit trees.


  • BELFOR VERGARA LAGOS, Development, promotion, and communications office assistant.


AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Agricultural insurance, R & D Seeds.


Agricultural Engineer Graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Nowadays he works in, Development, promotion, and comunications area of Agroseguros. He has worked in seeds R & D and helped and cooperated in the development of information post wild fires occurred at the beginning of 2017 in our country.