بوابة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للتعاون بين بلدان الجنوب

Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG)

San José, Sabana Sur, antiguo Colegio La Salle. San José, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica
Phone number(s)
2105-6100 y 2231-2344
Areas of expertise
الزراعة, السياسات الزراعية, البحوث والإرشاد في مجال الزراعة, الإحصاءات الزراعية, إدارة المزارع/نظم الزراعة, نظم الدعم الزراعي, التكنولوجيا الزراعية والمكننة, سلامة الأغذية/ جودة الأغذية والمواصفات الغذائية, سياسات الأمن الغذائي/ المعونة الغذائية, الإنتاج الحيواني, الصحة الحيوانية والخدمات البيطرية, البيئة وتغيُّر المناخ والطاقة الحيوية, العمليات في حالات الطوارئ وإعادة التأهيل, الزراعة الأسرية
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies


Promotion of the development of technical capacities and business management in productive systems and agricultural organizations, which boost the empowerment of families of small and medium producers pertaining to rural territories. As a result, Costa Rican agricultural activity must be characterized by competitiveness, equity and sustainability in social, economic and environmental terms.

Main Activites:

1. To facilitate the processes of adoption of agricultural technologies, with emphasis on the needs of male and female producers, and their introduction in the agrifood chains.

2. To promote changes in male and female agricultural producers, their families and their management organizations.

3. To plan, elaborate and implement agricultural programmes at the regional and national levels, to improve the delivery of services to the male and female producers.

4. To support the country's trade negotiations in agriculture.

5. To contribute to the agricultural development of the country, through policies, plans and programmes of credit, promotion of food production, and improvement of the processes of commercialization and processing of agricultural products.

6. To evaluate the effects of the country's economic policies in the agricultural sector.

7. To regulate the use, marketing, quality control and residues of agricultural inputs.

8. To ensure proper use and management of soil for sustainable agricultural development.


1. Agricultural and rural development, within the economic and social improvement of the country.

2. Preservation of natural resources and improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the country.

3. Execution of processes of development and transfer of agricultural technology.

4. Formulation and operationalization of agricultural policies.

5. Issuance and application of phyto- and zoo-sanitary standards.



Summary of the activities during the last two years

Summary of the activities during the last biennium:

-Provision /Delivery of expertise to other countries or institutions:

A) Support in the elaboration of NAMA Livestock.

B) Promotion of strategies in the development of eco-competitive livestock for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG).

C) Support in the elaboration of NAMA Coffee and proposal of measures for the reduction of GHG gases, as well as the optimization of water resources.

D) Assistance in the elaboration of regulations for the sustainable use of the soils.

E) Technical assistance for the implementation of animal and plant health systems.

F) Assistance for the construction of platforms for the production and responsible trade related to agricultural activities.

Type of contribution (substance/services/training to other countries or institutions):

A) Specialized technical cooperation.

B) Training, and training of technicians and specialists.

C) Improvement of services.

D) Internships.

E) Participation in courses, seminars and workshops.

F) Referral of technical documentation.

G) Development of projects.

Collaboration with FAO and other institutions and organizations:

A) Joint elaboration between Government institutions and FAO is based on a Country Programming Framework (CPF), which is related to the objectives of the United Nations Development Cooperation Framework (UNDAF). The CPF is based on four strategic pillars linked to food and nutrition security, family agriculture and territorial rural development, sustainable management of natural resources - climate change and South-South Cooperation (in mobilizing resources and insertion of national agencies in the FAO SSC Gateway).

B) The collaboration with other international organizations, such as:

      - NAMA Facility Café, for the adoption of practices for the promotion and industrialization of coffee with low GHG emissions, granted in conditions of productive efficiency and sustainability to the companies of primary coffee production.

      - KolFACI (Korea-Latin American Cooperation Initiative for Food and Agriculture), for stabilizing domestic rice production through increased productivity and efficient management of irrigation water. Also, the application of systematic practices of sustainable management in systems of production dealing with cocoa, and the development of alternatives that optimize tomato management and the profitability of the productive systems.

      - Bio Carbon Fund Initiative, for the validation and establishment of a set of criteria for the neutralization of emissions of greenhouse gases, according to a particular productive system associated with each cattle cluster (type of farm), under the Strategy for the Development of Livestock Low in Carbon (EDGBC).

      - LivestockPlus, as an institution created to enable the development and implementation of the "Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions" (NAMAs) programme for the livestock sector in Costa Rica, through technical support and yield of critical information. The latter, to identify appropriate mitigation options in the planning of policy support for NAMA expansion.

Other initiatives with: IDB FOMIN, UNDP, GIZ, IICA, AECID, JICA, among others.

Dissemination of knowledge: conferences, meetings and publications:

A) Workshops, conferences and seminars.

B) Set-up of knowledge networks.

C) Publications and periodical documentation.

D) Webinars (Seminars via web)

E) Specialized platforms.

F) Exchange of experts.

G) Others.

Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions

The Ministry was created in line with national law, its origins dating back to the Costa Rican Political Constitution of 1949, initially established as Ministry of Agriculture and Industry. In the year 1960, through the Law of Budget 2656, it became the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG).

By Government provisions defining the institutional framework, the Law for the Promotion of Agricultural Development (FODEA) or Organic Law of the MAG was enacted through Law No. 7064 of April 29, 1987.

Potential activities through SSC


Potential modalities:

A) South-South Cooperation (SSC).

B) Triangular Cooperation (TC).

C) Technical Cooperation.

D) Financial Cooperation.

E) North-South Cooperation.

Potential activities:

A) Emphasis on missions related to producers and technicians.

B) Exchange of specialists.

C) Internships.

D) Shared dissemination of documents.

E) Assistance to seminars and workshops.

F) Improvement of services.

G) Elaboration of regional projects.

Focal points

- [Name]: Luis Felipe Arauz Cavallini

  • Title: Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Costa Rica
  • Tel: 2105-61-10
  • E-mail: [email protected]


- [Name]: Guillermo Eduardo González Perera

  • Title: Head/Chief, Directorate of International Affairs. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Costa Rica
  • Tel:  2105-61-45
  • E-mail: [email protected]