Portail FAO de la Coopération Sud-Sud

Institute of Biology & Pedology of the National Academy of Sciences

265, Ave. Chui, 720071, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Phone number(s)
996 (312) 392068
Areas of expertise
Recherche et vulgarisation agricoles, Agriculture urbaine, Sécurité sanitaire agricole / mesures phytosanitaires et zoosanitaires, Sécurité sanitaire des aliments / qualité et normes alimentaires, Politiques de sécurité alimentaire / aide alimentaire, Techniques nucléaires dans le domaine de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture, Semences, Protection des cultures, Santé animale et services vétérinaires, Information sur les pêches, Politiques en matière de pêche, Ressources forestières, Ouvrages hydrauliques / irrigation, Santé de base et équilibre nutritionnel, Biodiversité, Sciences de l'environnement, Gestion des ressources naturelles, Production végétale / protection des plantes, Ressources foncières et aménagement des terres, Sciences du sol et nutrition des plantes, Ressources génétiques
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies

Scientific research

Summary of the activities during the last two years
  • Provision of expertise to other countries or institutions: training of young specialists, publications and others activities in the fields of biodiversity, ecology and the sustainable use of natural resources


  • Provision of services/training to other countries or institutions: providing consulting services, expert opinion and research findings


  • Collaboration with FAO and other institutions and organizations: in the field of food, agricultural and biological safety


  • Knowledge dissemination: conferences, meetings, publications and training of experts
Potential activities through SSC

Publications, recommendations

Name and details of the head of the institution

Prof. Dr. Bekmamat M. Djenbaev

Tel: 0996 312 391947

Email:[email protected], [email protected]

Focal points

Prof. Dr. Bekmamat M. Djenbaev

Tel: 0996 312 391947

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

List of experts

TITLE & FULL NAME:  Professor Bekmamat Djenbaev
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Biological science

Professor Bekmamat Djenbaev is the Director of the Institute of Biology and Pedology of the National Academy of Science (NAS). Since 2010, Prof. Djenbaev has lead the “Conservation of Biodiversity” fund. His is also a Member of the Russian Biogeochemical and Geochemical School, a Member of the Interministerial Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science on State Educational standards, and the Chairman of the National Committee MAB (UNESCO), Kyrgyz Republic. In 2012, he was elected as an academic to the Serbian Academy of Sciences.  He obtained his Ph.D degree in Biogeochemistry from M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, and a Doctor of Science degree in Ecology and Zoology from the Institute of Biology & Pedology of NAS. He has successfully published over 200 scientific papers. 


TITLE & FULL NAME:  Dr Dzhamilia Karabekova   
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Biological science

Dr Dzhamilia Karabekova is a Principal Researcher at the Institute for Biology & Pedology, Kyrgyz National Academy of Sciences, and is currently working on a regional project to monitor parasites in fish. She obtained her Doctor of Science degree in zoology from the Institute of Biology and Pedology of the National Academy of Science, and received her Ph.D. degree in Helminthology from the Tashkent Institute Zoology & Parasitology. She has an undergraduate degree in Biology and Chemistry from the Kyrgyz State University. The scope of her research interests include helminthology, fish parasitology, ichthyology, general zoology and ecology. She has published over 100 papers, 2 monographs, 2 books and 60 scientific articles. 


TITLE & FULL NAME:  Dr Georgy Anatoljevich Lazkov
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Biological science

Dr Georgy Lazkov is the Head of the Laboratory of Flora at the Institute of Biology and Pedology of the National Academy of Science. He started work at the Institute in 1989 as a  junior researcher, and has subsequently been promoted to  head of the laboratory. He obtained his PH.D degree from the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS. His PhD thesis title was "Caryophyllaceae in the flora of Kyrgyzstan". In the 2003, he was awarded a Doctor of Science for his thesis "The genus Silene L. (Caryophyllaceae) in Eurasia (taxonomy, distribution, history)". He has supervised more than 10 PhD students / candidates. He is a recognised expert on the flora of Kyrgyzstan. He has published over 120 scientific papers, including 5 monographs (4 co-authored). Described more than 70 new species of vascular plants (40 of them - from Kyrgyzstan). 


TITLE & FULL NAME:  Mr Akylbek Rysbaev

Mr Akylbek Rysbaev is a junior research officer at the at the Institute of Biology and Pedology of the National Academy of Science. He is currently working on his PhD thesis entitled “The impacts of the introduction of alien predatory fish species on native ichthyofauna in Lake Issyk-Kul”. He obtained his undergraduate degree on fish processing  from the Astrakhan Technical Institute of Fisheries. Mr Rysbaev has also qualified as a fisheries consultant under the Program of Business Consultancy (BAS) founded by the Swiss Government. He has wide experience in fisheries management, the development of conservation programs, and conducting research work in the fishery sector.