Agricultural Development Institute (INDAP)

Agustinas 1465. Santiago, Chile.
Phone number(s)
+56 2 223038000 or +56 2 223038010
Areas of expertise
СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО, финансирование сельского хозяйства, сельскохозяйственная политика, сельскохозяйственные исследования и распространение опыта, торговля сельхозпродукцией и сельскохозяйственные рынки, экономика развития, развитие сельских районов и аграрная реформа, системы поддержки сельского хозяйства, сельскохозяйственные технологии и механизация сельского хозяйства, безопасность пищевых продуктов /качество пищевых продуктов и стандарты на пищевые продукты, ЖИВОТНОВОДСТВО, животноводство, меры политики и анализ сектора, школьное питание, ОКРУЖАЮЩАЯ СРЕДА, ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ КЛИМАТА И БИОЭНЕРГЕТИКА, водные ресурсы и управление ими, гендерная проблематика, обеспечение занятости молодежи, чрезвычайные операции и восстановление, семейные фермерские хозяйства
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies


Promote the economic, social, and technologic development of the small agriculture and farmers producers. In order contribute to increase organizational, commercial and bussines capacity.  Their intergration process to rural development and at the same time optimize the use of the productive resources.


Main Activities

INDAP makes available to the peasant family farming, a system of extention and support of innovation, that improve their skills and capacities to develop agricultural and rural entrepreneurship.

INDAP facilitates access of the peasant family farming to financing programs  (credit  and non-refundable encouragement) that suits their needs of working capital and capital investment required to enhance economic entrepreneurship individual or associative.

INDAP supports to the peasant family farmning expanding and improving their access conditions to the local, regional, national, and international markets to promote traditional products, distinguish of quality and searching approch between the producer and the final consumer.

INDAP contributes organizational strengthening of the peasant family farming, just like in the economic way as gremial and representative.

INDAP supports the develop and strength of the social capital of the peasant family farming, to promote cooperation initatives between producers as the network constitution and alliance with the public and privite world.



INDAP is a dependent institution of the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile and that creation and mandate is established by Organic Law number 18.910, modified by the Law number 19.213. Under this mandate, the institution empower to develop a wide range of actions related with de productive and rural development.

Considering the above. The main instituional competences are:

  • Sustainble rural development.
  • Policies and instruments of productive promotion for the AFC.
  • Extend and innovation of level of the AFC.
  • Policies and instruments for the entrepreneurship.
  • Commercialization (Sello Manos Campesinas, Fair and Farmers Market, Network of Stores the in Rural World, and Government Procurement).
  • Policies and instruments for the associativity development in level of AFC.
  • Finance (with credit and non refundable resources).
  • Policies and instruments for women, young and native people.


Summary of the activities during the last two years


Expertise supply/ knowledge to other countries and institutions

INDAP participates in several conventions and projects of  bilateral, triangular, multilateral international cooperation, as well of exchange programs in different countries of the region. The major initiatives underway are:

  • Project to “ Institutional strengthening for adequate financial inclusion of the rural producer in Paraguay”, with finance of the Paraguay government, Chile government and JICA.
  • Project to “support  the actions of the project against Hunger and Poverty fund, in Guatemala and Honduras through the actions of strengthening in the initiatives purchases for the progress (P4P of the world food programme WFP)”, with the finance of the Chile government through INDAP, AGCI and WFP, which is the  executing agency.
  • Project to “support management to the territorial develop of the institute territorial development (INDER) “, used by INDAP and finance for the Costa Rica and Chile government and FAO.
  • Participates in several initiatives (Ministerial Meetings, Exchange Programs, Workshops, Seminars, International forums, among others).
  •  Type of contribution (substance, services, training to other countries or institutions):

INDAP provides technical support in function to the host countries' needs,  in the agreement and/or cooperation projects in which it participates.


Collaboration with the FAO and others institutions and organizations

  • Convention/ cooperation agreement with FAO to support INDAP in the contribution to development of the peasant family farming of Chile, in the framework of the strategic lines “014-2018. Project UTF/CHI/043. 
  • INDAP has a permanent connection to collaborate with FAO and others international agencies with IICA and CEPAL.



Knowledge dissemination

  • conferences, meetings and publications.




- Series: Studies and Working Papers:


  • Number 1. Family farming and short circuits in Chile: present situation, restrictions and potentialities. ODEPA, INDAP, RIMISP. June 2015.
  • Number 2. Family farming and short circuits in Chile: preliminary land register. INDAP and RIMISP. June 2015.
  • Number 3. Study for products label and services of the peasant family farming. INDAP, ODEPA and the Faculty of Veterinary and Cattle Sciences of the Universidad de Chile. June 2015.
  • Number 4. Design and evaluations ex-ante business models of short circuitis in Chile. IDAP, Slow Food, Ford Foundation and the Faculty of Veterinary and Cattle of Universidad de Chile. June 2015.
  • Number 5. Public food markets in Chile and recomendations for  the inclusion of the peasant family farming. Author: Universidad de Santiago de Chile on request INDAP and with the support of Ford Foundation, RIMISP, FAO, ODEPA and Slow Food.
  • Number 6. Energetic diagnostic and characterisation of dairy sector, of the Region Los Rios.  INDAP,  undersecretariat and Ministry of Energy.  October 2015.
  • Number 7. Exploratory diagnostic to encouragement of INDAP in matter of environmental sustainability. INDAP. March 2016.
  • Number 8. Development a Electronic Commerce in a business model for the AFC, INDAP and the Faculty of Veterinary and Cattle Science FAVETA of the Universidad de Chile. July 2016.
  • Number 9. Innovation in the acquisition and management in the associative group investments and associative farmer companies. INDAP, FIA and CUMA france. August 2016.
  • Number 10. Relationship between peasant family farming, INDAP and the responsible company. INDAP, FAO, RIMISP and Ford Foundation. November 2016.
  • Number 11. The grandchildren of the agrarian reform- employment, reality and dreams of rural youth in Chile. INDAP, FAO, RIMISP and Ford Foundation. May 2017.


- Series, manual and course :


  • Number 1. Technical support to the peasant family farming of macro-areas (season 2015-2016). INDAP. September 2015.
  • Number 2. Guide and Cattle FAVET of the Universidad de Chile, Slow Food and Ford Foundation. September 2015.
  • Number 3. Develop a guide of short circuits in urban area: urban farmer markets model. Faculty of Veterninary and Cattle Science FAVET of the Universidad de Chile, Slow Food and Ford Foundation. September 2015.
  • Number 4. How can sale in short circuits? Challenges and chances for the peasant family farming. INDAP, ODEPAM ACHIPIA and RIMISP. November 2015.
  • Number 5. Technical guide for planning and implementation of productive pratices, which encourage the conservation of biodiversity. Environment Ministry, INDAP, PNUD, GEF, Univesidad Austral de Chile. August 2016.
  • Number 6. Technical supply for the peasant family farming of macro areas(season 2016-2017) INDAP. October 2016.
  • Number 8. Handbook of agroecological production. Education and technology center. CET, INDAP.
  • Number 9. Guidance for the corporative develop in the peasant family farming. Ministry of Agriculture, FIDA- CLAEH Mercosur.


- Workshop and Seminars:

  • II Exchange Experiences Programs about management models to the policies of government procurement in the peasant family farming. August 2015.
  • Agroecological seminar: strengthening of the peasant family farming and native by agroecological conditions. May 2016.
  • National seminar good farming practices. Ministry of Agriculture of Chile, INDAP, SAG, ODEPA and IICA. August 2015.
  • Meeting of native seeds, enhancing the land culture identity, San Pedro de Atacama, Region of Antofagasta. INDAP. April 2017.
  • International seminary of rural youth and public policy. INDAP, FAO, CEPAL, REAF. May 2017.
Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions

INDAP is a dependent institution of the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile. Whose creation and mandate is established in the Organic Law number 18.910, modifies by the law number 19.213.

Potential activities through SSC

Potential modalities

INDAP promotes and is available to participate in projects or cooperation initiatives , horizontal, triangular, bilateral, regional or multilateral.


Potencial activities

Technical support in specifics issues related with intitutionals competence, participation in seminars, workshop and forum.

Name and details of the head of the institution

[National Director INDAP]:  Octavio Sotomayor Echenique.

Tel:+56 2 223038010

e-mail: [email protected]

Focal points

[National Director Consultant and Manager on International Issues]: Carla Melillo Hermosilla.

Tel: +56 2 223038015

Cell: +56 9 957582615

e-mail: [email protected]