National Youth Employment Agency (ANPEJ)
Web site
Phone number(s)
Areas of expertise
Mandate, main activities of the institution and competencies
Mandate: development of youth employment
- Main activities: implementation of Government policies (projects and programmes) relating to the development of youth employment
- Competencies: formulation of policies, strategies, projects and programmes to facilitate youth employment; implementation and monitoring of projects and programmes.
Summary of the activities during the last two years
- Providing expertise to other countries or institutions: expert mission to the Youth Employment Agency in Mali
- Providing reference substances/services/training to other countries or institutions
- Collaboration with FAO and other institutions and organizations: collaboration with FAO to formulate a policy to promote youth employment in rural areas
- Dissemination of knowledge - conferences, meetings and publications: organization of national political dialogue to formulate a policy to promote youth employment in rural areas, organization of a conference of the World Association of Public Employment Services, organization of a subregional workshop on the labour market information system in conjunction with the ECOWAS Commission.
Legal status and Government arrangements of the institutions
- Legal status, with the Government in particular: Government agency
- Governmental arrangements: under the technical supervision of the Ministry for Employment.
Potential activities through SSC
Possible arrangements: exchange of experts, benchmarking missions, contributing to projects with other regions, sharing experiences
- Potential activities: workshops, conference on youth employment in rural areas and incorporating young people in the agricultural value chain.
Name and details of the head of the institution
- Amadou Lamine Dieng, Director-General
- Telephone: 76 6393851
- E-mail: [email protected]
Focal points
- Aminata Ba, Director of Partnership and Promotion
- Telephone: 76 644 76 77
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Magaye Gaye, Director of Strategies and Operations
- Telephone: 76 644 76 75
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Babou Faye, Director of Orientation, Guidance and Insertion
- Telephone: 76 644 76 72
- E-mail: [email protected]