UNSC56 Side Event | Operational application of EO data for agricultural statistics

From crop classification and parcel segmentation to early-season yield forecasting and paddy crop phenology identification

Virtual Event, 03/02/2025

On the sidelines of the 56th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission, the UN-CEAG/UN-CEBD Joint Task team on the use of EO data for agricultural statistics will host a side event titled “Operational application of EO data for agricultural statistics: from crop classification and parcel segmentation to early-season yield forecasting and paddy crop phenology identification” on Monday, 3 February 2025 from 09.10 to 10.15 AM New York Time (15.10–16.15 Rome Time).

This side event will provide a platform to showcase the achievements of the Joint Task Team, focusing on national use cases from countries including Austria, Brazil, Finland, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, Senegal and Zimbabwe. These examples highlight the operational application of EO data, from crop classification and parcel segmentation to early-season yield forecasting and paddy crop phenology identification.

Our speakers will also highlight the critical role of capacity-building initiatives and collaboration in integrating EO technologies into official agricultural statistics globally.

The session is an opportunity to engage with stakeholders, share lessons learned and foster discussions on the future of EO applications in agricultural statistics. It will underline the Joint Task Team’s contributions to enhancing data-driven agricultural strategies and the broader statistical modernization agenda.



09.10–09.15Opening Remarks
  • Ashwell Jenneker, Chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics (UN-CEBD)
09.15–09.25Introduction of the Joint Task Team (JTT) Programme of Work
09.25–09.50Presentations of Case Studies and Key Achievements
  • Abel Alejandro Coronado Iruegas (INEGI Mexico) (Presentation)
  • Maria Yli-Heikkilä (Natural Resources Institute (LUKE), Finland) (Presentation)
  • Ian Nunes (IBGE, Brazil) (Presentation)
  • Achmad Fauzi Bagus Firmansyah (Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Indonesia) (Presentation)
  • Artur Laczynski (Statistics Poland, GUS) and Przemysław Slesiński (Institute of Geodesy at the University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland) (Presentation)
  • Nils von Norsinski (Statistik Austria) (Presentation)
09.50–10.00Highlighting Capacity-Building Activities and Applications
  • Lorenzo de Simone (FAO)
10.00–10.15Questions and Answers (Q&A)
  • Eduardo Vazquez (INEGI Mexico)