UNSC56 Side Event | UN Committee of Experts on food security, agricultural and rural statistics

Update on the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2030 and the Agriculture Science and Technology Indicators

Virtual Event, 18/02/2025

On the sidelines of the 56th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission, the UN Committee of Experts on food security, agricultural and rural statistics will host a side event on Tuesday, 18 February 2025 from 09.00 to 10.30 AM New York Time (15.00–16.30 Rome Time). This event aims to review the latest developments and progress in implementing the UN-CEAG's programme of work for 20242027.

The side event will focus on the progress, achievements and future plans of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2030 and the Agriculture Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI)

Open to both UN-CEAG member and non-member organizations, the session will feature an interactive discussion to:

  • Review the UN-CEAG’s Programme of work (20242027), including its revised mandate, implementation of workstreams, achievements and next steps.
  • Present detailed updates on the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture; with a focus on the current 2020 round and the development of revised guidelines for the 2030 round.
  • Provide an in-depth look at the Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) workstream, covering the development of guidelines, objectives, progress updates, and future steps.


09.00–09.10Opening Remarks
  • José Luis Hernández Rodríguez, National Institute of Statistics and Geography, Mexico (INEGI)

Update on the revised mandate of the UN Committee of Experts on food security, agricultural and rural statistics (UN-CEAG)

  • Ms Valérie Bizier, Senior Statistician, Team Leader, Data and Statistical Coordination Team, Statistics Division (FAO)


Workstream on Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI)

Objectives, progress update and next steps

  • Mr Hernán Muñoz, Statistician, Project Manager, Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators, (ASTI), Statistics Division



Country experience: piloting ASTI new approach in Nigeria



  • Dr Musa Musa, Agriculture Research Council of Nigeria and ASTI Focal point



Workstream on World Programme for the Census of Agriculture


Development of the FAO Guidelines for the WCA 2030: objectives, progress update and next steps



  • Mr Jairo Castaño, Senor Statistician, Team Leader, Agriculture Censuses, Statistics Division (FAO)
10.25–10.30Concluding remarks
  • José Luis Hernández Rodríguez, National Institute of Statistics and Geography, Mexico (INEGI)