
Agriculture producer prices indices 2019–2023

New FAOSTAT data release


FAO releases today the FAOSTAT update of Agriculture producer prices indices, 2019–2023.

The FAO indices of agricultural producer prices measure the average annual change over time in the selling prices received by farmers (prices at the farm-gate or at the first point of sale) for primary crops, live animals’ weight and livestock primary products.

Country agriculture producer price indices are updated in FAOSTAT on an annual basis. The next release presenting global and regional trends will be in December 2025.

Main findings:
  • The tightening monetary policies implemented in 2023 and reduced fertilizers costs contributed to lower the producer prices of some agricultural commodities at the global level, especially cereals and oil crops.
  • The increase in the cereals producer price indices slowed down substantially in 2023, supported by a rebound in production, and broke an accelerating trend.
  • In 2023, increasing demand exceeding production capacity resulted in notable increases in the PPI for meat and vegetables, although these were lower than in 2022.