
Greenhouse gas emissions from agrifood systems. Global, regional and country trends, 2000–2022

New FAOSTAT data release


Agrifood systems account for about one-third of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. They are generated within the farm gate, from crop and livestock production activities; by land-use change, caused by deforestation, biomass fires and peatland degradation processes often linked to land clearance for agriculture; and in pre- and post-production processes, comprising the supply chain including food manufacturing, retail, household consumption and food disposal.

Statistics on the underlying activity data, emissions and indicators (shares of total economy, per capita emissions and emissions intensities) are disseminated in FAOSTAT at the country, regional and global levels, covering over 200 countries and territories, for the period 1961–2022), together with a comprehensive summary of emissions from the rest of the economy.

According to the latest data available, global agrifood systems emissions reached 16.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gt CO2eq) in 2022, virtually unchanged from 2021, and representing an increase of 10 percent since 2000.

Main findings:

  • In 2022, global agrifood systems emissions were 16.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gt CO2eq), virtually unchanged from 2021, representing an increase of 10 percent since 2000. Estimated at 29.7 percent compared with 38 percent in 2000, their contribution to total emissions was below 30 percent for the first time on record.
  • Of the agrifood systems total, crop and livestock activities within the farm gate contributed 7.8 Gt CO2eq globally, or 48 percent. They were virtually unchanged from 2021, with a 15 percent growth since 2000.
  • Emissions from land-use change were 3.1 Gt CO2eq globally, or 19 percent of the total. They decreased by 1 percent since 2021 and by 30 percent since 2000.
  • Emissions from pre- and post-production, due to activities along the supply chain, were 5.3 Gt CO2eq, or 33 percent of the total. They grew 52 percent since 2000.
  • Regional emissions changed little in 2022 compared to 2021, except for Oceania, where they grew 2.7 percent. Compared to 2000 however, they grew strongly in Africa (40 percent) and Asia (25 percent), while decreasing in Oceania (−29 percent), the Americas (−9 percent) and Europe (−6 percent).
  • In 2022, the agrifood systems emissions intensity was 2.6 kg CO2eq per international dollar (I$) globally. It decreased continuously over time, by 0.4 percent compared to 2021 and by 39 percent since 2000.
  • The emissions intensity was above the world average in Africa (6.0 kg CO2eq/I$), the Americas and Oceania (3.4 kg CO2eq/I$), and lower in Asia and Europe (1.8–2.0 kg CO2eq/I$). The decline was observed in all regions compared to 2000, ranging from −23.6 percent in Europe to −49.2 percent in Oceania.

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