Centro de inversiones de la FAO
NASA / Lauren Dauphin
Actualmente rodean la Tierra más de 4,000 satélites, capturando una enorme cantidad de datos con los que se podría apoyar...
Agriculture continues to be the main source of employment and income for the African continent’s predominantly rural population. Yet most...
© Ia Ebralidze
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the...
A very active and productive M&E Workshop, including 40 participants from 17 countries in the Asia and the Pacific...
©FAO/Gent Skhullaku
Montenegrin fruit and vegetable growers touring Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in September saw how modernizing and diversifying production, improving...
of top photo: Port of Tarragona, Photo Credit of the rest: ©FAO/Stephanie Leontiev
Spain is one of the main grain importers in the Mediterranean region. As such, the country has a wealth of...