Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization

Equipment and manufacturers Database*

Type of Equipment
Company name
Power source
*This equipment database provides a list of selected small-medium scale agricultural equipment and manufacturers from developing countries that can be used for sustainable agriculture production under correct use. Their inclusion in this database does not imply that they are recommended or endorsed by FAO or that they are the only option available in the market.
Equipment: Residue Management
Model: MaxiCut 600
Country: Denmark
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: DAL-BO A/S
Address: Bindeballevej 69, DK-7183 Randbøl, Denmark
Tel: +45 75 88 35 00
Fax: +45 75 88 31 57
Equipment: Residue Management
Model: ZoneManager
Country: Ghana
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Acra-Plant (Shield Industries)
Address: PO Box 687 Hutchinson, KS 67504-0687
Tel: 6206627221
Fax: 6206627482
Equipment: Residue Management
Model: SHL 660
Country: Germany
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Dragotec International GmbH (Josef Baumann)
Address: Hub 7 - OT Rogglfing, D-84329 Wurmannsquick
Tel: +49 (0) 8725 - 9665-0
Fax: +49 (0) 8725 - 9665-50
Equipment: Ripper with attachment
Model: Rotacar
Country: Brazil
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Valdenesio Lauro da Silva
Address: a/c Estritório Local da EPAGRI - Praça da Bandeira - CEP 88450-000 - Alfredo Wagner, Santa Catarina
Tel: (+55) 048 / 276-1211
Equipment: Ripper with attachment
Model: 2 Row MTD
Country: Zimbabwe
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Hastt Zimbabwe
Address: 18 Galloway Rd, Norton, PO Box 196, Zimbabwe
Tel: +2632314/15/16/17 (Norton Head Office)
Equipment: Ripper with attachment
Model: Ripper
Country: United Republic of Tanzania
Power Source: Animal
Company Name: NANDRA Engineering Ltd
Address: Nguvu Kazi Area, Sukari Road, P.O.Box 304, Moshi, Kilimanjaro
Tel: +255 27 2750575
Fax: +255 27 2750575
Equipment: Ripper with attachment
Model: Mahangu Ripper Planter
Country: Namibia
Power Source: Animal
Company Name: BAUFI Agricultural Service
Address: Post Office Box 90390, 18 Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264(0)61 269 075
Fax: +264(0)61 269 982
Equipment: Ripper with attachment
Model: Ripper-Furrower
Country: Namibia
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: BAUFI Agricultural Service
Address: Post Office Box 90390, 18 Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264(0)61 269 075
Fax: +264(0)61 269 982
Equipment: Ripper with attachment
Model: Tractor Ripper Planter
Country: Namibia
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: BAUFI Agricultural Service
Address: Post Office Box 90390, 18 Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264(0)61 269 075
Fax: +264(0)61 269 982
Equipment: Ripper with attachment
Model: Jumbo Ripper Tine
Country: Zimbabwe
Power Source: Animal
Company Name: Grownet Investments
Address: Country of Origin: Zimbabwe ; Contact: Lewis Mataba
Tel: 263 772 320 765 / 263 713 093 265