Mecanización Agrícola Sostenible

Base de datos de maquinaria y fabricantes*

Tipo de maquinaria
Nombre del fabricante
*Esta base de datos ofrece un listado seleccionado de equipos agrícolas de pequeño y medio tamaño y de fabricantes de países en desarrollo que pueden usarse para producción agrícola sostenible siempre que se haga un uso adecuado. Su inclusión en la base de datos, no implica que sean recomendados o respaldados por la FAO o que sean las únicas opciones disponibles en el mercado.
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Li-Seeder
Country: China
Power Source: Human
Company Name: Yun Fan Machinery Manufacturing Co.
Address: Qingyuan County, Fushun city, Liaoning province, Zip code:113306
Tel: 024-53179180 ; +8613470594999
Fax: 086 024-53179286
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Jumbo Direct Deeder
Country: Zimbabwe
Power Source: Animal
Company Name: Grownet Investments
Address: Country of Origin: Zimbabwe ; Contact: Lewis Mataba
Tel: 263 772 320 765 / 263 713 093 265
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: OSU Handplanter
Country: United States of America
Power Source: Human
Company Name: OSU - Oklahoma State University
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: MaxiDrill 300
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Moore Unidrill Ltd
Address: Newhill House, 33 Kirk Road, Ballymoney, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland. BT53 6PP
Email: [email protected] or Use Contact Form
Tel: +44 (0)28 2766 4444
Fax: +44 (0)28 2766 5696
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Primary Precision Seeder
Country: Australia
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Primary Sales Australia
Address: Head Office: 44 Meliador Way, Midvale Western Australia 6056, Australia.
Tel: (08) 9250 3500 ; 612 08 9250 3500 (International)
Fax: (08) 9250 3600
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: HAKA CA
Country: Zimbabwe
Power Source: Animal
Company Name: Hastt Zimbabwe
Address: 18 Galloway Rd, Norton, PO Box 196, Zimbabwe
Tel: +2632314/15/16/17 (Norton Head Office)
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: jab planter
Country: Zimbabwe
Power Source: Human
Company Name: Hastt Zimbabwe
Address: 18 Galloway Rd, Norton, PO Box 196, Zimbabwe
Tel: +2632314/15/16/17 (Norton Head Office)
Equipment: Sprayer
Model: ROFA
Country: Germany
Power Source: Human
Company Name: Mantis ULV-Sprühgeräte GmbH
Address: Vierlander Strasse 11 a, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)4152 / 8459-0
Fax: +49 (0)4152 / 8459-11
Equipment: Sprayer
Model: HANDY
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Power Source: Human
Company Name: Micron Group (Micron Sprayers Ltd)
Address: Micron Sprayers Ltd: Bromyard Industrial Estate, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4HS, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected] (Micron Group) or Use Contact Form
Tel: +44 (0) 1885 482397
Fax: +44 (0) 1885 483043
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Seed - line 3703
Country: Brazil
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: MAX - Irmãos Thonnigs Ltda.
Address: Av. Flores da Cunha, 5467-A, Cep: 99500-000 | Caixa Postal 1270 e 1041, Bairro: Fey, Carazinho - RS - Brasil
Tel: +55 (54) 3330 2171
Fax: +55 (54) 3330 2318