Mécanisation agricole durable

Base de données des équipements et des fabricants*

Type d’équipement
Nom de la société
Source d’énergie
*La base de données de l’équipement fournit une liste de matériel agricole de petite taille ainsi que de noms de fabricants d’équipement agricole pour les pays en développement qui peuvent être utilisés pour une production agricole durable, dans des conditions d’utilisation appropriées. Leur inclusion dans cette base de données n’implique pas qu’ils soient recommandés ou approuvés par la FAO ou qu’ils soient l’unique option disponible sur le marché.
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Country: Italy
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Gruppo Maschio Gaspardo S.P.A.
Address: Via Mussons 7 - 33075 Morsano al Tagliamento (PN), Pordenone
Tel: +39 0434 695410
Fax: +39 0434 695425
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Country: Italy
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Gruppo Maschio Gaspardo S.P.A.
Address: Via Mussons 7 - 33075 Morsano al Tagliamento (PN), Pordenone
Tel: +39 0434 695410
Fax: +39 0434 695425
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: 1510P/PFH/PH-15
Country: United States of America
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Address: Corporate Headquarters: 1525 E. North St Salina, KS 67401, PO Box 5060, USA
Email: [email protected] or Use Contact Form
Tel: +1 785 823 3276
Fax: +1 785 823 2891
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: 3P605NT
Country: United States of America
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Address: Corporate Headquarters: 1525 E. North St Salina, KS 67401, PO Box 5060, USA
Email: [email protected] or Use Contact Form
Tel: +1 785 823 3276
Fax: +1 785 823 2891
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Panther SMTA 21000
Country: Brazil
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Vence Tudo
Address: Rod. RS 223 - Km 53 Industrial area, Ibirubá - RS - Brazil.
Tel: (54) 3324-8000
Fax: (54) 3324-8030
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Combiseed HT3000S
Country: Denmark
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Kongskilde Industries A/S
Address: Kongskilde Maskinfabrik A/S, Skælskørvej 64, DK-4180 Sorø, Denmark
Tel: +45 33 68 35 00
Fax: +45 33 68 86 20
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Unidrill 300
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Moore Unidrill Ltd
Address: Newhill House, 33 Kirk Road, Ballymoney, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland. BT53 6PP
Email: [email protected] or Use Contact Form
Tel: +44 (0)28 2766 4444
Fax: +44 (0)28 2766 5696
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Maxidrill 300
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Moore Unidrill Ltd
Address: Newhill House, 33 Kirk Road, Ballymoney, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland. BT53 6PP
Email: [email protected] or Use Contact Form
Tel: +44 (0)28 2766 4444
Fax: +44 (0)28 2766 5696
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Airmaster 4001DD
Country: Finland
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: Nokka-Companies Ltd
Address: Teollisuustie 4, P.O. Box 4, FIN-40951, Muurame, FINLAND
Tel: +358 44 7624 500
Fax: +358 14 3100 205
Website: www.nokka.fi
Equipment: Seeder-Planter
Model: Pronto AS
Country: Germany
Power Source: Motorized/fuel
Company Name: HORSCH Maschinen GmbH
Address: Sitzenhof 1, D-92421 Schwandorf, Germany
Tel: +49 9431 7143-0
Fax: +49 9431 41364
Website: www.horsch.com