How the work is carried out
FAO's work on sustainable agricultural mechanization is carried out through:
Public Private Partnerships
FAO and the European Agricultural Machinery Industries Association (CEMA) have agreed on a new partnership that aims to promote wider use of sustainable agricultural mechanization in developing countries. It focuses on managing and disseminating knowledge on sustainable approaches to agricultural mechanization that could lead to technical programmes to support innovation in mechanization and facilitate the implementation of sustainable mechanization initiatives at field level.
Innovation and sustainable practices in line with the ‘Save and Grow’ paradigm and conservation agriculture practices
Save and Grow is a paradigm of sustainable crop production intensification that is both highly productive and environmentally sustainable, thus using more precise and energy efficient production technologies (such as reduced and no-tillage/direct seeding practices). It also encourages applying conservation agriculture practices, which boosts yields while restoring soil health, and is fully consistent with the principles of climate-smart agriculture. It builds resilience to climate change and reduces greenhouse gas emissions through, for example, increased sequestration of carbon in soil.
Developing new machines and techniques which are more precise and protective of the environment is essential. For example, maintaining a permanent cover on the soil and using direct seeding through the vegetative cover does not expose fragile soil directly to solar radiation, high winds or high intensity precipitation.
Agricultural Mechanization Strategies
A sustainable mechanization strategy can create an enabling policy framework, as well as an institutional and market environment in which farmers and other end-users have a wide choice of farm power and equipment suited to their needs within a sustainable delivery and support system. This also enables the promotion of new sources of farm machinery most suitable to local conditions.
Sustainable business enterprises and business models for mechanization
Establishing viable business enterprises, hire services, agro-processors, transport services, etc. is crucial to creating employment and income opportunities. Appraisals are carried out to identify appropriate business models to suit the most varying of local conditions.