Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
Type of publication
This report is the most detailed yet of the work being carried out on this issue and examines the farm-level development of the availability of human power, draught animals and motorized power. Although the availability of these sources of power...
Rural people depend heavily upon agriculture either as farmers, casual labourers, workers in agro-based industries, traders in agricultural produce or as hire service providers. Hire services, be they rental, custom or leasing services, can commonly be found in many countries...
This publication is intended to raise awareness on how farmers can create a business by providing traction and transport services. It outlines the range of services that can be provided and how these services can be organized, managed and marketed....
This bulletin presents both theoretical and practical information on the processing of fruit and vegetable juices, thus offering the reader both the principles and practices of small and medium-scale fruit juice processing.The purpose of this publication is to fill the...
Concentration on supply-side testing had been made indicative of the top-down approach which has frequently been applied to machinery selection. A user-responsive approach will require a reorientation of existing services, supported by revised arrangements for funding. The Bulletin further emphasizes...
This Manual is the fruit of an enterprise that was initiated in 1990 with the preparation and delivery of a practical course on farm machinery evaluation for scientists of the Mexican National Forestry and Agriculture Research Institute (INIFAP). Since 1990...
This publication is primarily addressed to members of the technical or administrative staffs of government services or assistance to development agencies working in field projects related to prevention of grain losses. It is a manual of basic information on post-harvest...
Advanced blacksmithing is the last of three FAO technical papers. As in the first two manuals, the practice jobs increase in difficulty and assume the acquisition of techniques and tools resulting from earlier descriptions. This manual begins with the forging...
As with the previous volume, Basic blacksmithing, all practice jobs described here have been well tried and tested. Again, this second volume is. intended to help instructors who are training blacksmiths for work in rural areas in developing countries. The...
This material is intended as a guide to assist instructors training blacksmiths and general metal workers who, after training, are likely to practise their skills in rural development areas. All jobs used as exercises and the techniques explained and illustrated...
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