Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

Greening Food Value Chains – Lessons from Ireland and Kenya, May 2016, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

31/05/2016 to 31/05/2016

This high-level event will take place on 31 May 2016 at 12.30 pm during the 154th Session of the FAO Council. The greening of food value chains is a vital strategy for achieving food security and responding to climate change. Growth in the agriculture sector has the potential to lift millions of people out of poverty and this event will explore the business case for sustainable agricultural growth. The discussion will leverage case studies of industries and countries where successful implementation of green value chain strategies has led to reduced costs and improved yields and livelihoods. This important event is organized by Ireland and Kenya, in collaboration with the Agricultural Development Economics Division of FAO. 

Idioma: English
