Платформа знаний в области устойчивых производственно-сбытовых цепочек в сфере продовольствия

FAO/WFP International Seminar on Strengthening Local Food Systems for Inclusive Growth: Scaling up Purchase from Africans for Africa, May 2016, Rome, Italy

02/05/2016 to 04/05/2016

This seminar is jointly organized by FAO and the World Food Programme (WFP) and will be held from 2 to 4 May 2016 at WFP and FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy in the context of the Purchase from Africans for Africa (PAA) programme. Since 2012, PAA Africa aims to promote the food security of smallholder farmers and schoolchildren by enhancing agricultural production, farmers’ organizations and institutional food procurement in five sub-Saharan African countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, the Niger and Senegal. The objectives of the seminar are to: i) present country policies on smallholder farmers, home-grown school feeding and social protection, and FAO and WFP support to the scale-up of PAA; ii) discuss results of the monitoring activities and country proposals of PAA Phase III among FAO, WFP, African government representatives and farmers’ organizations; and iii) raise the awareness of all stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, development agencies and donors, and strengthen African governments’ commitment to home-grown school feeding as a continental strategy, and joint FAO/WFP technical support.  

Language: English
