Archive des Événements
05 September 2016 to 09 September 2016
This course is offered by the International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) from 5 to 9 September 2016, in Turin, Italy. It will provide an introduction to sector and value chain selection, market systems analysis and value chain ...20 June 2016 to 01 July 2016
- Subtitled “Driving Innovations in Agrifood Value Chains”, this course will be offered by Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation in Kumasi, Ghana. The course consists of three components: i) a multi-stakeholder workshop in which producers will share issues and opportunities in different ...30 May 2016 to 10 June 2016
- Subtitled “Driving Innovations in Agrifood Value Chains”, this course will be offered by Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation in Kumasi, Ghana. The course consists of three components: i) a multi-stakeholder workshop in which producers will share issues and opportunities in different value ...08 June 2016 to 09 June 2016
- As part of its contributions to the Ten-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP), and with the support of Switzerland, FAO will organize a multi- stakeholder workshop on sustainable value chains for sustainable food systems on 8 and ...06 June 2016 to 07 June 2016
The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform is organizing this training in collaboration with the Business School Lausanne from 6 to 7 June 2016 in Lausanne, Switzerland. The training is based on the framework and steps of the Practitioner’s guide to sustainable sourcing ...