Cost-Effective Management Tools for Ensuring Food Quality and Safety

The purpose of this training package is to improve and build the capacities of small and medium agro-industrial enterprises in order to guarantee the quality and safety of food products. The approach integrates the different factors that affect the capacity of a business to produce foods to meet market expectations and recognized standards, while maintaining and increasing the profitability and life of the business. Management and technical aspects are integrated through a practical and cost-effective approach. The training package is composed of four modules: Module 1: the use of market information for improving quality management; Module 2: systems and tools for improving quality and safety management in agro-industry; Module 3: the application of quality management principles in small and medium agro-industrial enterprises; Module 4: planning as a tool for improving quality and safety management. The package is also provided with a trainers guide, case studies, exercises, PowerPoint presentations (on CD-ROM), appendices with further readings, links of interest and a glossary.