Financial Education for Farmers

This series of booklets has been specifically designed for use with farmer discussion groups, study circles or field schools. The idea is to promote a philosophy of “Talking about Money” as opposed to the traditional assumption that all small farmers need to improve their lives is credit. Taking a loan without understanding your cash flow, evaluating your risks and being able to monitor your progress is a recipe for failure in terms of money management. A more holistic approach is needed particularly now that more and more financial service providers are reaching down to the low income market and new technology is creating unprecedented opportunities for rural communities to access financial services.
Countries: Non-country specific
Commodities: Non-Commodity specific
Topics: Production
Authoring organization: Rural Finance & Investment Learning Centre (RFILC)
Publisher: Rural Finance & Investment Learning Centre (RFILC)
Category: Field-based materials
Level Suitability: Advanced, Intermediate
References: EN