Analysis of rice value chain by professional organizations in West Africa

This training in 4 modules was designed to allow the analysis of rice sector by professional organizations in West Africa and more generally by actors in the development of sectors. The raining can be implemented over several months. Each module includes a trainer's manual and a learner's booklet. Module 1 focuses on the analysis of the functioning of the rice sector, module 2 on the roles and strategies of actors in the sector. Module 3 deals with the analysis of stakeholder accounts and module 4 with the analysis of the sector's competitiveness.
Countries: Non-country specific
Commodities: Rice, Non-Commodity specific
Topics: Analysis in general, Vision and Strategy development
Personal author: Marie Jo Dugue ; Laurent Liagre ; Hélène David-Benz ; Jeanot Minla
Publisher: Centre International de Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD) ; Institute for Research and Application of development Methods (IRAM) ; Centro de Investigacion Economicas y Politicas de Accion Comunitaria (CIEPAC) ; Association for Project
Category: Field-based materials
Level Suitability: Introductory