Greenhouse gas emissions along a peat swamp forest degradation gradient in the Peruvian Amazon: soil moisture and palm roots effects
10 December 2019
10 December 2019
Tropical peatlands in the Peruvian Amazon exhibit high densities of Mauritia flexuosa palms, which are often cut instead of being climbed for collecting their fruits. This is an important type of forest degradation in the region that could lead to changes in the structure and composition of the forest, quality...
Living in and from the forests of Central Africa
05 December 2019
05 December 2019
Living in and from the forests of Central Africa is intended first and foremost as a full-scale extension tool concerning NWFPs in Central Africa. It is a work on the groups who have always lived in these forests, forests that contribute to every aspect of their daily lives, both material...
This working paper presents findings from a rapid appraisal and field study of the walnut value chain in Jalal-Abad province between March 28 and April 1, 2011. Thereafter, the Rural Development Fund research team devoted considerable time and effort to checking data and producing graphs and market maps for the...
Impact of certification on the sustainable use of NWFP: Lessons-learnt from three case studies.
22 October 2014
22 October 2014
Although the development of and debate on forest certification currently focuses on wood products, certification is also relevant to non-wood forest products (NWFP). While discussions on NWFP certification have increased recently, the applicability and impact of certification as a tool to promote
the sustainable use of NWFP remains unclear and less...
Fruit trees and useful plants in Amazonian life
16 April 2014
16 April 2014
This book features the uncommon quality of bringing together original scientific knowledge on fruits and useful plants of the Amazon forest and the sensibility to detect the deep interaction between life, traditional knowledge of our forests and folk culture. With its language at the same time accessible, pleasant and practical,...
Domestication and commercialization of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems
16 April 2014
16 April 2014
The International Conference on Domestication and Commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Products in Agroforestry Systems, hosted by ICRAF, was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 19 to 23 February 1996. This was the first world-level meeting to be held exclusively to draw attention to issues dealing with domestication and commercialization of non-timber...
Guide for small and medium enterprises in the sustainable non-timber forest product trade in Central Africa
16 April 2014
16 April 2014
This guide sets out the main issues and significant challenges, and suggests solutions and guidelines for viable NFTPs-based SMFEs. Government, nongovernmental agencies and their business partners have important roles to play in developing this sector from its vibrant, but largely informal status. This can be achieved by creating a more...
Non-wood forest products from conifers
16 April 2014
16 April 2014
Conifers dominate large areas of the world’s forests. They are especially abundant in the boreal and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and are also important components of many tropical and sub-tropical forest ecosystems. Conifers are capable of growing under a wide range of conditions. And, most important, many conifers...
This volume on medicinal plants links together the physical environments of local communities and their use of plants in promoting and maintaining their health.
In recent years, there has been a growth of interest in traditional medicine, in part driven by the interest in complementary medicine in industrial countries and in...
Report of the internationa expert consultation on non-wood forest products [Yogyakarta, Indonesia, January 1995]
16 April 2014
16 April 2014
In recent years, non-wood forest products (NWFPs) have attracted considerable global interest. This is due to the increasing recognition that NWFPs can provide important community needs for improved rural livelihood; contribute to household food security and nutrition; help to generate additional employment and income; offer opportunities for processing enterprises; contribute...