Tool Details

Marketing information systems for non-timber forest products - Community Forestry Field Manual n. 6
Producers who are often specialists in harvesting or manufacturing goods using forest resources may have limited experience in marketing. They may not know how to obtain and make use of information that would help them make informed decisions about what to sell, and where and when to market their products in order to earn the maximum profits from their efforts. This field manual presents a systematic approach that can be used by small-scale producers to gather information about markets for NTFPs. A Marketing Information System (MIS) collects, analyses and communicates information about markets and marketing. The kind of MIS described in this manual can be managed by local people themselves. They determine what information is needed, set up systems to gather the information, and decide how and to whom the information will be communicated. The purpose of the MIS is to improve people's access to marketing information for NTFPs and to train them in its use. This, in turn, will help them make better decisions about the use of local natural resources and increase the revenues they receive from these products. The immediate purpose of this manual is to help local groups establish a Marketing Information System that is user-driven, flexible and responsive to local needs. The longer term objective of the MIS, in most cases, will be to help people market their NTFPs more effectively and increase their earnings from these activities. This manual is written primarily for the facilitator who will work with a local community to set up an MIS. The facilitator may be from the community or be an extension worker, project staff person, government official or consultant.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit
Forest Management Unit
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Multiple use
Multiple use
Management Responsibility
Private sector (medium/large scale), Community/Smallholders
Private sector (medium/large scale), Community/Smallholders