Newsletters archive
Governance of tenure newsletter
11 - 2014
11 - 2014

1. STORIES FROM THE FIELD: USING THE VOLUNTARY GUIDELINES Integration of the Voluntary Guidelines into Land Policy in Guatemala
On 28 October 2014, in El Palmar, Quetzaltenango, the Government of Guatemala presented a new land policy, which will facilitate access to land by the rural poor and help resolve land disputes in the country. The new land policy (part of the overall Rural Development Policy “Política Nacional...
Governance of tenure newsletter
09 - 2014
09 - 2014

New video on women’s right to land
A new video shows that even in countries where clear legal protections for women's ownership of land and property exist, local customs often continue to work against equality for female farmers. The findings illustrate that female property ownership is low throughout the Western Balkans, with rural areas performing particularly poorly.
Gender teams...
Governance of tenure newsletter
07 - 2014
07 - 2014

National workshops in Liberia, China and Malawi
Recent workshops in Liberia, China and Malawi on the Voluntary Guidelines follow those already held this year in Niger, Senegal and Sierra Leone. The detailed vacancy announcement is available here:
16-19 June, Monrovia hosted the first of a series of three national workshops with about 100 national and international participants, representing all stakeholder groups in Liberia. It was co-organized by the Liberia Land Commission and...
Governance of tenure newsletter
05 - 2014
05 - 2014

Coming up: The Voluntary Guidelines 2 years on - Where we are and where we are going
On 14 May a meeting will be held at FAO headquarters in Rome to mark the second year since the CFS’s endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines. A panel discussion will take place with representatives from governments, civil society and the private sector who will present their perspectives...
Governance of tenure newsletter
02 - 2014
02 - 2014

UN General Assembly
UN General Assembly encourages countries to give due consideration to implementing the Guidelines
On 20 December 2013 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Second Committee resolution on Agriculture Development, Food Security and Nutrition which:
Encourages countries to give due consideration to the dissemination, promotion and implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security.
This resolution...