FAO in Timor-Leste

Project list

Priority Area 1. Support to improvement of institutions and coordination mechanisms for policies, laws and regulations and programmes and plans to ensure 100% equitable year-round access to adequate, nutritious and affordable food for all

FMM/GLO/157/MUL. Economic Inclusion and Social Protection to reduce Poverty in the context of COVID-19

FMM/GLO/157/MUL. Economic Inclusion and Social Protection to reduce Poverty in the context of COVID-19

Donor: FAO SDG's

Implementing Agencies: FAO in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture, and Ministry of Social Protection.

Period: August 2016 - December 2017

Budget: USD 1,000,000

Districts covered: National

Expected result: The main outcome of this assistance would be Improved coordination, systems, and human capacities to effectively articulate agricultural and social protection interventions that target the rural poor in the context of COVID-19.  

Priority Area 2. Support to first Timor-Leste agriculture census and enhanced capacity for statistics, information and knowledge management systems for agriculture sector and food and nutrition security

UTF/TIM/009/TIM. Strengthening the Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

UTF/TIM/009/TIM. Strengthening the Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Donor: FAO

Implementing Agencies: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Period: 31 December 2021 - 31 December 2024

Budget: USD 980,445

Districts covered: National

Expected result: The main outcome of this to strengthen M&E capacity of MAF through the development of an M&E system and building capacity to operate, maintain and use the M&E data for improved planning, programming and decision making. The expected outcome of the project is that MAF will use the developed M&E system to inform evidence-based policy planning and decisions.

Priority Area 3. Support to improved farming livelihoods, food availability and diversity of household diets through increased productivity and production and consumption of under-utilised food crops

Priority Area 4. Support to smallholder fishing and aquaculture households to become more resilient in the face of climate change and to sustainably improve their livelihoods and free themselves from hunger and malnutrition

GCP/RAS/289/GFF. Enabling transboundary cooperation for sustainable management of the Indonesian Seas (FSP)

GCP/RAS/289/GFF. Enabling transboundary cooperation for sustainable management of the Indonesian Seas (FSP)

Donor: Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Implementing Agencies: FAO collaborate with Secretary State of Fisheries MAF

Period: 19 July 2016 - December 2023

Budget: USD 1,211,000

Districts covered: Dili (Metinaro) and Bobonaro (Batugade &Beacou)

Expected result:

1.      To reach regional agreement on the transboundary threats and their root causes to the marine environment and an agreement and endorsement of Strategic Action Program (SAP) to be signed off by the appropriate ministers in both countries.

2.      Approaches to Fisheries Management (EAFM), Ecosystem Approaches to Aquaculture (EAA) and Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) utilized for sustainable marine management.

3.      Regional and national governance of fisheries and natural resource management (including legal and institutional frameworks) strengthened

4.      Development policies are guided to support innovative opportunities for alternative livelihoods and blue growth development of coastal communities, especially those dependent upon fishing for their livelihoods.

5.     Regional ISLME knowledge platform developed to share information between stakeholders

GCP/TIM/009/GFF. Ikan Adapt

GCP/TIM/009/GFF. Ikan Adapt

Donor: Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Implementing Agencies: LDCF, FSP

Period: April 2022 - April 2024

Budget: 4,400,000 USD  

Districts covered: National

Expected result: 

Strengthening the adaptive capacity, resilience and biodiversity conservation ability of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Timor-Leste.

Priority Area 5. Support to renewal, realignment and development of Timor-Leste’s cash crop economy, particularly the coconut industry and the coffee industry