Governing and Statutory Bodies Web site
Category | Description | Cat. 1 | Intergovernmental meetings to which Member Governments send official delegations. These include sessions of the Conference and Council, of subsidiary bodies of the Council and of the bodies established under the Constitution, and also a considerable portion of the ad hoc meetings convened on technical and economic matters wherein policy matters are involved. Such meetings may also be attended by observers from Member Nations, non-Member Nations, and international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations having established relations with FAO, in accordance with the General Rules of the Organization and with the "Principles" set out in Volume II of the Basic Texts. Consultants may be used by FAO in such meetings to assist the Secretariat in various ways, including the introduction of agenda items. | Cat. 2 | Meetings to deal with technical and/or economic matters attended by experts designated by Member Governments and by observers as listed under Category 1 above, where the participants would not be expected to take decisions on behalf of the governments having designated them. Suitable arrangements may be worked out, in consultation with governments, for participation by representatives of national institutions, including parastatal and private institutions. Consultants may be used by FAO in such meetings to assist the Secretariat in various ways, including the introduction of agenda items. | Cat. 3 | Sessions of panels, committees and working parties of experts, composed of individuals selected by FAO in their personal capacity, and who normally participate at FAO expense. | Cat. 4 | Seminars, training courses, workshops and other group-training activities, attended primarily by government-designated experts selected by the Director-General and participating at FAO expense. | |