Governing and Statutory Bodies Web site

Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal (EST-702)

Title Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal
Code EST-702
Sessions and documents

Reports to the Committee on Commodity Problems:
43rd Report to the CCP - 2010 (CCP 10/Inf.7)
42nd Report to the CCP
- 2009 (CCP 09/Inf.5)
41st Report to the CCP - 2007 (CCP 07/14)
40th Report to the CCP - 2005 (CCP 05/15)
39th Report to the CCP - 2003 (CCP 03/2)

Legal Framework

Established by the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) at its Twenty-third Session (1954) to monitor international shipments of surplus agricultural commodities used as food aid in order to minimize the harmful impact of these shipments on commercial trade and agricultural production. The Sub-Committee meets in Washington, D.C. (United States of America).

Rules of Procedure

Revised rules were adopted at the Sixty-fifth Session (1960). The CCP, at its Thirty-third Session, made amendments to the rules of the Sub-Committee which the latter subsequently adopted.

Category Cat. 1

The Sub-Committee's terms of reference were laid down by the CCP at its Twenty-third Session and restated at its Thirty-first and Forty-fourth Sessions. They require it to keep developments in the disposal of agricultural surpluses under review, and to assist Member Nations in developing suitable means of surplus disposal; to provide a forum for consultations and notifications of food aid transactions of Member Nations including usual marketing requirements, as listed in the register attached to the terms of reference, and any other types of transactions subsequently agreed to by CCP. In essence, the purpose of the Sub-Committee is to provide a forum for the examination of any difficulty that may arise in light of the Guidelines and Principles of Surplus Disposal as endorsed by the Conference and to promote observance of the principles recommended by FAO.

Secretary Boubaker Ben-Belhassen

Open to all Members and Associate Members of FAO.

Chairperson Mr Christian Ligeard (France)
Languages English
Frequency of Sessions Approximately four sessions per year
Division Liaison Office for North America (LOW)
Contact information/email

[email protected]

First Session July 1954

Subsidiary Body of the Committee on Commodity Problems