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Комитет по вопросам лесного хозяйства в Средиземноморье "Сильва Медитерранеа" (NFO-731)

Название Комитет по вопросам лесного хозяйства в Средиземноморье "Сильва Медитерранеа"
Кодекс NFO-731
Сессии и документы

См. документы Комитета по вопросам лесного хозяйства в Средиземноморье "Сильва Медитерранеа"

Правовая основа
Статья Устава

Статья VI, пункт 1

История создания

Established by the European Forestry Commission in 1948 as a Subsidiary Body in succession to the pre-war international body Silva Mediterranea. Transformed by the Seventh (1953, Resolution 25) and Eleventh (1961) Sessions of the Conference into a Joint Sub-Commission on Mediteranean Forestry Problems. In 1970 the above title was granted.



Правила процедуры

Правила процедуры

Категория Кат.1
  • To periodically review the trends in the use of forest land in the Mediterranean area and to assess the impact of changes implemented in the agricultural, industrial, and urban sectors, and to advise Member Governments accordingly on reorientation or improvements necessary to meet changed situations or newly-emerging needs; conversely, to periodically examine progress in forestry technology within regional and ecological contexts in order to better assess present forest land utilization methods;
  • to identify forestry research priorities in the Mediterranean area, determine forestry research projects of common interest to Member Governments in the Region and recommend to the Director-General of FAO and Member Governments the adoption of measures necessary to coordinate the concerted execution of these projects by the forestry research institutes in the Region;
  • to determine and carry out, in collaboration with Member Nations and with the support of the appropriate national forestry agencies, the technical studies and surveys which are deemed necessary to assist Governments of the Region formulate national forest policies or facilitate their implementation.

Open to all Members of the African, European, and Near East Forestry Commissions of FAO whose territories are situated wholly or in part in the Mediterranean basin proper or whose forest, agricultural, or grazing economies are intimately associated with those of the Mediterranean Region. Membership comprises such eligible nations as have notified the Director-General of their desire to be considered as Members.

Председатель Д-р Чади Моханна (Ливан)
Число членов 28
Список членов
  • Албания
  • Алжир
  • Болгария
  • Греция
  • Египет
  • Израиль
  • Иордания
  • Ирак
  • Иран (Исламская Республика)
  • Испания
  • Италия
  • Йемен
  • Кипр
  • Ливан
  • Ливия
  • Мальта
  • Марокко
  • Португалия
  • Румыния
  • Саудовская Аравия
  • Сербия
  • Сирийская Арабская Республика
  • Словения
  • Судан
  • Тунис
  • Турция
  • Франция
  • Европейский союз (организация-член)
Рабочие языки английский, арабский, испанский и французский
Номер документа FO:SMC
Отдел Отдел оценки, рационального использования и сохранения лесов
Для контактов

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Комитет по вопросам лесного хозяйства в Средиземноморье "Сильва Медитерранеа"

Первая сессия Декабрь 1948 года
Сессии 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1970, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2012 и 2017 годы