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Комитет по рыбному промыслу в восточной части Центральной Атлантики (RAF-740)

Название Комитет по рыбному промыслу в восточной части Центральной Атлантики
Кодекс RAF-740
Сессии и документы

См. документы Комитета по рыбному промыслу в восточной части Центральной Атлантики

Правовая основа
Статья Устава

пункт 2 Статьи VI

История создания

Established by the Director-General following the decision of the Council at its 48th Session (1967, Resolution 1/48), to replace the Regional Fisheries Commission for Western Africa (RFC WA) which had been abolished by the Conference at its Fourteenth Session (1967).

Правила процедуры

The Rules of procedure were adopted by CECAF at its First Session held in Accra, Ghana (24-28 March 1969). They were amended in November 1992 and in June 2003.

Категория Кат.1

The purpose of the Committee shall be to promote the sustainable utilization of the living marine resources of the area defined under paragraph I above, by the proper management and development of the fisheries and fishing operations.

To this end, it shall have the following functions and responsibilities:

  • to keep under review the state of these resources and of the industries based on them;
  • to promote, encourage and coordinate research in the area related to the living resources thereof and to draw up programmes required for this purpose and to organize such research as may appear necessary;
  • to promote the collection, interchange, dissemination and analysis or study of statistical, biological, environmental and socio-economic data and other marine fishery information;
  • to establish the scientific basis for regulatory measures leading to the conservation and management of marine fishery resources, to formulate such measures through subsidiary bodies, as required, to make appropriate recommendations for the adoption and implementation of these measures and to provide advice for the adoption of regulatory measures by Member Governments, sub regional or regional organizations, as appropriate;
  • to provide advice on monitoring, control and surveillance, especially as regards issues of a sub-regional and regional nature;
  • to encourage, recommend and coordinate training in the priority areas of the Committee;
  • to promote and encourage the utilization of the most appropriate fishing craft, gear and techniques;
  • to promote liaison among and with competent institutions within the sea area served by the Committee and to propose and keep under review working arrangements with other international organizations which have related objectives within that area, insofar as the Constitution, the General Rules, regulations and facilities of the Organization permit; and
  • to carry out such other activities as may be necessary for the Committee to achieve its purpose, as defined above.

Member Nations and Associate Members selected by the Director-General from among Member Nations and Associate Members in Africa whose territories border the Atlantic Ocean from Cape Spartel to the mouth of the Congo River, and those Member Nations and Associate Members fishing or conducting research in the sea area concerned or having some other interest in the fisheries thereof, whose contribution to the work of the Committee the Director-General deems to be essential.

Число членов 34
Список членов
  • Ангола
  • Бенин
  • Габон
  • Гамбия
  • Гана
  • Гвинея
  • Гвинея-Бисау
  • Греция
  • Демократическая Республика Конго
  • Испания
  • Италия
  • Кабо-Верде
  • Камерун
  • Конго
  • Кот-д'Ивуар
  • Куба
  • Либерия
  • Мавритания
  • Марокко
  • Нигерия
  • Нидерланды (Королевство)
  • Норвегия
  • Польша
  • Республика Корея
  • Румыния
  • Сан-Томе и Принсипи
  • Сенегал
  • Соединенные Штаты Америки
  • Сьерра-Леоне
  • Того
  • Франция
  • Экваториальная Гвинея
  • Европейский союз (организация-член)
  • Япония
Рабочие языки английский, испанский и французский
Номер документа CECAF
Отдел Региональное отделение для Африки (ФАО-РАФ)
Для контактов

[email protected]


Комитет по рыбному промыслу в восточной части Центральной Атлантики

Сессии 1969, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012 и 2016 годы
Вспомогательные органы

Scientific Sub-Committee (RAF-710)
Open to all Members of CECAF whose territories border the Eastern Central Atlantic