S |
Resolution | Title |
1/73 | Sahelian Zone Operations of the UN System |
36/75 | Salary of the Director-General |
18/73 | Salary of the Director-General |
30/71 | Salary of the Director-General |
86/59 | Scale of Contributions |
56/57 | Scale of Contributions |
42/55 | Scale of Contributions |
59/53 | Scale of Contributions |
43/51 | Scale of Contributions |
5th 1949 | Scale of Contributions |
3rd 1947 | Scale of contributions |
2nd 1946 | Scale of Contributions |
42/61 | Scale of Contributions 1962-63 |
54/63 | Scale of Contributions 1964-65 |
31/65 | Scale of Contributions, 1966-67 |
28/67 | Scale of Contributions 1968/69 |
18/69 | Scale of Contributions, 1970-71 |
22/71 | Scale of Contributions 1972-73 |
15/73 | Scale of Contributions, 1974-75 |
30/75 | Scale of Contributions 1976-77 |
25/77 | Scale of Contributions 1978-79 |
16/79 | Scale of Contributions 1980-81 |
12/81 | Scale of Contributions 1982-83 |
12/83 | Scale of Contributions 1984-85 |
17/85 | Scale of Contributions 1986-87 |
13/87 | Scale of Contributions 1988-89 |
13/89 | Scale of Contributions 1990-91 |
13/91 | Scale of Contributions 1992-93 |
17/93 | Scale of Contributions 1994-95 |
12/95 | Scale of Contributions 1996-97 |
15/97 | Scale of Contributions 1998/99 |
9/99 | Scale of Contributions 2000-2001 |
8/2001 | Scale of Contributions |
14/2003 | Scale of Contributions 2004-2005 |
10/2005 | Scale of Contributions 2006-2007 |
10/2007 | Scale of Contributions 2008-2009 |
16/2009 | Scale of Contributions 2010-2011 |
11/2011 | Scale of Contributions 2012-13 |
12/2013 | Scale of Contributions 2014-15 |
13/2015 | Scale of Contributions 2016-17 |
4/67 | Second United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
4/77 | Seed Improvement and Development Programme (SIDP) |
6/53 | Selective Expansion of Agricultural Production |
47/57 | Semi-independent Bodies |
85/59 | Service Benefit Fund |
21/67 | Sessions of FAO Commissions, Committees and Working Parties and of their Subsidiary Bodies |
1st 1945 | Settlement of Disputes |
3rd 1947 | Shortage of exchange |
24/55 | Simultaneous Distribution of Documents in Three Working Languages |
5th 1949 | Site of Permanent FAO Headquarters |
5th 1949 | Site of Regional Office for Asia and the Far East |
4th 1948 | Site of the Permanent Headquarters |
19/59 | (The) Sixth Regional Conference for Latin America |
14/59 | Social Welfare |
32/57 | Social Welfare |
31/59 | Soils and Water |
61/57 | Special Case of the Polish Peoples’ Republic |
3/71 | Special Committee on Agrarian Reform |
59/51 | Special Fund (Ford Foundation) |
13/81 | Special Reserve Account |
5th 1949 | Staff Assessment Plan |
41/61 | Staff Assessment Plan and Tax Equalization Fund |
69/53 | Staff Commissary |
64/51 | Staff Commissary |
16/97 | Staff Commissary Accounts |
29/71 | Staff Commissary Profits |
16/89 | Staff Commissary Support Cost Reimbursement |
40/61 | Staff Compensation Plan |
6/56 | Staff Matters |
54/55 | Staff Pension Committee |
75/53 | Staff Pension Committee |
68/51 | Staff Pension Committee |
5th 1949 | Staff Pensions |
3rd 1947 | Staff salaries |
16/57 | Standards for Milk and Milk Products |
31/51 | Statistics |
19/63 | Statistics of Technological Progress in Agriculture |
38/65 | Status of British Guiana |
45/57 | Status of Conventions and Agreements and Amendments thereto |
36/55 | Status of Conventions and Agreements Requiring Conference Action |
39/65 | Status of Mauritius |
13/69 | Status of Permanent Representatives in Regard to Credentials for the Conference |
17/73 | Statute of the International Civil Service Commission |
9/75 | Strategy of International Agricultural Adjustment |
13/63 | Strengthening and Co-ordinating Food and Agricultural Educational and Training Activities |
4/75 | Strengthening of National and International Agricultural Research |
26/57 | Strengthening of Regional Work in Europe |
14/61 | Strengthening of Statistical Set-up in the Near East and Latin-America Regions |
18/63 | Strengthening the Activities Carried out in the Interest of Indigenous Populations with Respect to Land Tenure Arrangements and New Settlement Areas |
6/97 | Strengthening the FAO 2000 Project |
39/55 | Structure, Functions and Procedures of the Council and of certain Committees |
23/57 | Studies and Development Papers |
45/59 | Study of Trends in Rice Production, Consumption and Trade |
6/59 | Submission of Credentials |
19/57 | Sunn Pest |
3rd 1947 | Supplementary budget estimates |
14/51 | Supplies and Distribution of Rice |
10/87 | Support to the Action Committee on Latin American Cooperation and Consultation on Plant Genetic Resources |
57/51 | 1951 Surplus |
6/57 | Surplus Disposal |
33/57 | Survey and Appraisal of World Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Resources in Relation to Needs |
90/59 | Suspension of Rule XIX |
91/51 | Sympathy to Italy in Flood Disaster |