
Some dietary and food recommendations are considered more sustainable and protective of human health and the environment.

The challenge lies in putting the recommendations into practice.

Discover ways and means of incorporating more sustainable and nutritious diets. For instance, reorienting school meal programmes and other institutional food services (from hospitals to elderly homes) to provide nutritious and safe food that contribute to healthy diets; developing regulatory and voluntary instruments to promote sustainable diets and address associated with poor diets and obesity involving private and public companies, using marketing, health promotion and communication programmes; developing and labelling policies/schemes; using economic incentives or disincentives.

Related Resources

Governance and planning, Sustainable diets and nutrition, Social and economic equity, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution, Food loss and waste - Frameworks
粮农组织的《城市粮食议程》框架为一项全组织战略,以响应各国新提出的号召;针对城乡粮食不安全和营养不良问题,需要多部门、多方利益相关方、多级的解决办法,本框架也回应了此需求。本框架解释了为什么粮农组织具有独特优势,可以对全球城市粮食议程起到正面影响;还定义了指导原则,以确保完全覆盖《2030 年议程》提出的目标。经过包容性磋商过程,目标成果得以决定。本框架阐述了可实现这些成果的全球行动计划的基础,包括七个综合支持领域。这些支持领域共同构成了“三步走”方法,据此,粮农组织将与合作伙伴一道协助各国政府:i)通过出台各种法律法规、开展治理和增强机构权能,营造得到改善的政策环境;ii)根据具体情况实施行动,包括但不仅限于:缩短供应链;实施包容性公共粮食采购;促进创新农业食品企业;营造更健康的粮食和绿色环境;优化供应链和可持续生物经济;iii)通过交流信息和跨区合作,推广良好做法,并为成立一个中立的全球论坛奠定基础,该论坛旨在促进各级政府参与,以有效促进粮食治理的良好做法。本框架最后对在每个支持领域可实施的一系列潜在活动做了广泛讨论。
(Global coverage)
2019 - Coll.