Urban Food Systems and COVID-19: Key Results from a FAO Global Survey
On Wednesday 29 July – 2-4 PM (CET) FAO hosts the Online Event “Urban Food Systems and COVID-19 – Key Results from a FAO Global Survey
30/06/2020 - 30/07/2020
La FAO organise avec ICLEI Afrique et RUAF une campagne intitulée, #AfricanCITYFOODmonth, qui se déroulera du 1er au 31 juillet 2020.
Cette campagne sera animée via les réseaux sociaux : Twitter: @ICLEIAfrica | @faosfsafrica | @ruaf ; Instagram: @futureafricancities avec le [...]
UrbanA Community Conversation: Addressing poverty via food solidarity
Although the current covid-19 crisis has seen strong benefits for health and local economy, access to (quality) food has worsened for the most vulnerable ones with risks of increased hunger and malnutrition and, exacerbated by potential localized price hikes. [...]
Call for papers: Special Issue “Geographies of Responsibility for Just and Sustainable Food Systems”
Within various academic fora, there is still much confusion around roles and responsibilities for creating more just and sustainable food systems. Recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic have further highlighted tensions in these responsibilities, especially in terms of access, [...]
How can neighbourhoods and communities help urban residents respond to Covid-19 and help manage and support urban-rural flows of people, resources, and capital?
The speakers from Bolivia, the Philippines, Tanzania and Montreal are all speaking about neighbourhood governance and community [...]
WEBINAR: COVID-19 and Sustainable Food Systems: Responses and innovations to tackle vulnerabilities and build back better
02/06/2020 - 26/05/2020
What critical measures are required to both combat the #COVID-19 crisis and build sustainable food systems? Can responses to the #COVID-19 crisis catalyse transformation toward sustainable food systems? What can we learn from the changes, responses and innovations in our [...]
WEBINAR: Cities as change agents: building competences for future food systems
The aim of this webinar is to introduce the importance and challenges of local engagement to transform the EU food system. It will give a broad perspective of what cities can do to contribute to a more future-proof food system. [...]
Collection of food system adaptation measures to COVID19 crisis
15/05/2020 - 29/06/2020
A questionnaire is shared by Let's Food, aiming to collect good practices initiated by local governments and civil society to ensure a resilient food system in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.
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Cities and Covid-19: Food access for vulnerable communities in practice
The Covid-19 pandemic is putting pressure on food supply chains, both globally and locally, disrupting urban food systems worldwide. This is posing a number of challenges for cities that must quickly react to ensure that all [...]
Beyond the pandemic. Rethinking cities and territories for a civilisation of care
06/05/2020 - 30/12/2020
A call for "Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti" Special issue, the Journal of Regional and Urban Planning, Studies and Design of the Architecture Department of Florence University.
Beyond the pandemic. Rethinking cities and territories for a civilisation of care.
History sometimes presents us [...]