Plataforma de Acciones en Alimentación Urbana

Declaration of Rennes: For territorialized food systems

Autor: Association des Régions de France
Publicado por: Association des Régions de France


Rennes Declaration: For territorialized food systems The French Regions are committed to territorialized food systems since the conference co-organized by the Region of Brittany and the ARF on July 4, 2014 in Rennes. This conference was part of the official events organized by France in the framework of the International Year of the Family Farming decided by the UN General Assembly. As an alternative to agribusiness and mass consumption, territorialized food systems aim to enhance the value of products in proximity chains, favoring family farming and networks of SMEs and VSEs in the food industry and alternative marketing channels. They limit the impact on the environment and the losses and wastage throughout the food chain.

Tema: Governance and planning
Organización: Association des Régions de France
Autor: Association des Régions de France
Año: 2014
Tipo: Local Policies
Región: Europe
Formato de recurso: Document
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