The 7th MUFPP Global Forum is taking place in Barcelona from 19 to 21 October 2021. The topic will be Growing Resilience: Sustainable Food to tackle the Climate Emergency...
12 October 2021 | CFS 49 Side Event

Addressing Nutrition and Environmental Challenges: The Role of Cities and Local Governments for Inclusive and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation...

On the occasion of The Africa Climate Week (ACW) 2021, FAO and African municipalities will discuss the integrated approach of Forestry, Agriculture and Food at the urban level to increase cities’ resilience and well-being, in line with the FAO Green Cities Initiative...
23 September 2021 | UN Food Systems Summit

Held during the UN General Assembly in New York, the UN Food Systems Summit is setting the stage for global food systems transformation in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030...