1 - 31 July 2020: African CITYFOOD Month

Resilient and nutritious Food Systems in African Cities
From 1 to 31 July the inaugural #AfricanCITYFOODMonth campaign will highlight
diverse, innovative and evolving African urban food systems. The campaign is
developed under the FAO Framework for the Urban Food Agenda and will provide a Platform for insight, learning opportunities and support for local governments and food system stakeholders who are interested in shaping sustainable, nutritious and inclusive food systems.
The campaign will follow 4 main topics: Resilient food systems, Nourishing our cities, Sustainable food value chains, and Business and innovation in urban food systems through Social Media, Webinars, Articles, Publications, Case studies, Photos & Videos.
You are invited to JOIN and contribute to the campaign using #AfricanCITYFOODMonth throughout July by concretely
presenting actions taken in your city on sustainable urban food and/or by answering one of the questions listed in the programme.
Full Programme of Webinars:
- 1 July - 2:00 PM (CAT) - Opening Webinar: How should we approach food in our cities?
- 7 July - 2:00 PM (CAT) - Food, Climate and Covid-19: Experiences from our Cities
- 15 July - 2:00 PM (CAT) - Feeding Our Cities
- 21 July - 2:00 PM (CAT) - Food and the Circular Economy
- 29 July - 2:00 PM (CAT) - How can small businesses run by youth and women improve our local food systems?
- 31 July - 2:00 PM (CAT) - Closing Webinar The Future of our Food Systems
Join us for #AfricanCITYFOODmonth Campaign, from 1st to 31 July 2020:
- SHARE 2–5-minute videos showcasing your urban food initiatives. These can be of you speaking, or videos of projects or scenes.
- SHARE case studies, project reports and news articles which can add to the themes above.
Contributions can be made in French, English and Portuguese.
To know more about the #AfricanCITYFOODMonth:
- About the AfricanCITYFOODMonth
- Full Programme of the AfricanCITYFOODMonth
- ICLEI Africa - The AfricanCITYFOODMonth
Twitter: @ICLEIAfrica | @faosfsafrica | @ruaf