Municipalities of Tunis and La Goulette supported by FAO to reduce food loss and waste

FAO launches a strategic project on “reducing urban food waste for more sustainable urban food systems" in Tunisia.
The issue of urban food waste is at the heart of the image of cities and determines the quality of life of inhabitants, making it a pivotal entry point to transform urban food systems into sustainable and inclusive ones.
FAO and the Municipality of Tunis have started collaborating on urban food systems transformation since 2019, under the FAO Framework of the FAO Urban Food Agenda. Today, the Municipality of La Goulette joins this project to strengthen urban food security and environmental and social sustainability through awareness, good governance and implementation of pilot actions to reduce losses and waste, using a multi-scale and multi-sector coordination approach at the level of the two municipalities.
In his speech, Mr. Slimen Elgolli, Secretary General in charge of the affairs of the Municipality of Tunis, underlined the interest of the Municipality of Tunis for this problem and recalled the collaboration with the FAO and the National Institute of Consumption which allowed formulation of the municipal food waste reduction strategy (2020-2025). In this context, the Municipality of Tunis has multiplied awareness campaigns aimed at kindergarten facilitators and primary school students "because it is this generation that is able to make real changes".
Speaking at the project launch ceremony, Mr. Philippe Ankers, FAO Coordinator for North Africa and Representative for Tunisia, confirmed FAO's commitment to support the two municipalities and the partners involved in this process in order to strengthen their role in improving the well-being of city dwellers, through the transformation of urban food systems towards more resilient, sustainable and healthy models. He underlined his satisfaction to see that the development strategy of the city of Tunis as well as the sustainable development initiatives of the city of La Goulette integrate losses and waste (prevention, reduction and management) as a strategic priority.
The implementation of this project - scheduled until January 2025, with a budget of 350 thousand USD - will make it possible to develop a strategic and governance framework for the reduction and management of food losses and waste in both Tunis and La Goulette.
Collection and analysis work on the critical points, the causes for the identification of sustainable actions for the prevention, reduction and management of losses and waste will be carried out and shared. The technical and managerial capacities of actors in thetwo cities will be strengthened in order to prevent, reduce and manage food waste.
Finally, the implementation will be based on pilot actions for the prevention, reduction and management of food losses and waste. These expected results of the project will contribute to a clear evidence-based vision for strengthening the sustainability of urban food systems offering innovative solutions.
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