FAO Activities ramping up in Kisumu

Under the Framework of the FAO Priority Programme “Achieving Sustainable Urban Food Systems” FAO is supporting the Kisumu County in implementing the FAO Urban Food Agenda and Green Cities Initiative activities, with tangible results and impacts on the livelihood of urban and rural population.
Generating evidence on urban food systems
Today, Kisumu...

If you paint a picture of the average food market in Nairobi, you will have the image of fresh produce coming in every day, and that of food that has not been sold or has rotten being discarded through available waste collection systems, if any.
Food loss and waste in...

En el marco del acuerdo de colaboración entre la Prefectura de Manabí, FAO y Ministerio de Educación, se realiza en Portoviejo el piloto de actualización del Programa de Alimentación Escolar en Ecuador. El pasado 29 de noviembre se inició la segunda jornada de entrega de fruta fresca local proveniente de la agricultura familiar campesina de los cantones...

This event wants to raise awareness on the value of urban and local governments to achieve inclusive, equitable and sustainable food systems...