WASAG – الشراكة العالمية بشأن ندرة المياه في الزراعة


IDA 2021 – International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference
15/03/2021 0:00 - 17/03/2021 0:00
Rome Italy
IDA 2021 International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference, Rome, Italy
FAO-OECD Roundtable on Financing Agricultural Water
27/01/2021 0:00 - 28/01/2021 0:00
FAO in partnership with the OECD, organized the 7th meeting of the Roundtable on Financing Water on 27 and 28 January 2021, as a thematic meeting focused on financing agricultural water. This meeting supports the OECD’s broader work on financing water as well as FAO's strategic priorities on promoting investments in agricultural...
Water for Food Global Conference 2020
07/10/2020 0:00 - 09/10/2020 0:00
Nebraska United States of America
7-9 October 2020 – Water for Food Global Conference 2020, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
WASAG Webinar 10: “Scaling resilient water & agriculture management practices for Sustainable Rice Intensification in East Africa”
15/09/2020 0:00
The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) hosted by the FAO Land and Water Division organized its tenth webinar under the title: Scaling resilient water & agriculture management practices for Sustainable Rice Intensification in East Africa.
WASAG: Actions for Water and Nutrition Security
27/08/2020 0:00
This Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) session introduces the WASAG Working Group on Water & Nutrition; describes guidelines to strengthen nutrition outcomes in irrigation and water resource development projects and provides new insights on water quality-health nutrition linkages.

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