WASAG Webinar 1: “Water Scarcity, Abundance of Women?”
12/05/2020 0:00 - 12/05/2020 0:00
In collaboration with the Women for Water Partnership (WfWP), a WASAG Partner, this first webinar on mainstreaming Gender in Water Scarcity in Agriculture under the title: WATER SCARCITY, ABUNDANCE OF WOMEN? shared with nearly 200 participants how women can play a better role in managing water scarcity in agriculture.
World Water Day 2020 ''Water and Climate Change''
22/03/2020 0:00 - 22/03/2020 0:00
The science is clear: the global climate change crisis is altering the water cycle. This will make water availability less predictable, affecting water quality, worsening water scarcity and threatening sustainable development.
Workshop on Water Productivity Improvements
25/02/2020 0:00 - 26/02/2020 0:00
In person
Bari Italy
As part of the WASAG Working Group on Sustainable Agriculture Water Use, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM) and the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) co-hosted a workshop under the theme of "Can Water Productivity Improvements Save Us from Global Water Scarcity?". This workshop was held on February...
Webinar on Water, Migration and Rural Development
22/01/2020 0:00 - 22/01/2020 0:00
In person
While some research has been carried out on the topic, an audience poll during a Stockholm World Water Week 2019 session showed that the knowledge on linkages between water security and migration from rural areas is still very limited. To address this gap, GWP and Partners under the framework of...
02/12/2019 0:00 - 13/12/2019 0:00
In person
Madrid Spain
2-13 December 2019 – UNFCCC COP25, Madrid, Spain